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Sorry this one is a little late. I drove home from college today for spring break and haven't had time (or the wifi) to post this chapter.

Today, we are in Denver, Colorado. I'm the first one to wake up this time, and I take that opportunity to get some work done. I have to leave in a couple of days to go back home for a day. Thankfully, it just so happens to be on an off day for us. So I booked a flight from Chicago, which is where we will be, to Houston that leaves after the show is over. I'll be getting in really late and then spending the day there. I will then be flying to Detroit the day after and get there in time for the show. It's going to be a stressful couple of days.

I feel the weight of a person sit next to me on the couch and look over to see Awsten. I give him a little smile before going back to my laptop. He leans over, placing his chin on my shoulder, and looks at my screen. "What are you doing, jellybean?"

"I was just booking some flights." I tell him, causing him to lift his head up off of my shoulder.

Looking back over at him, I see that he has a confused and worried look on his face. "Why? Where are you going? Is everything okay? Did something happen?" He starts asking question after question, worried.

Letting out a little giggle, I put my laptop off to the side before shifting so that I am facing him. I take his hand in mine and rub little circles with my thumb. "Everything is okay, Aws. I promise. I'm just going to be gone for a day."

He calms down a little bit at my actions and words. "Okay. But why do you have to go?"

I smile. "My mom is getting married and I'm kind of one of the bridesmaids. Thankfully, the wedding just so happened to fall on one of the days where we don't have a show. I leave in a couple of days."

"Oh. Okay. That's nice. Sounds like fun actually." He says, smiling at me before looking down and starting to play with my hands. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your dad?"

Taking one of my hands from his, I use it to gently move his head so that he's looking at me. "I don't mind Awsten." I tell him, giving him a gentle smile, which he returns. "He died when I was eight. I don't actually remember much about him, but he was a great guy. He had been hit by a drunk driver while he was on his way home from the store. It was almost his and my mom's anniversary and he had gone out to get her a present."

Awsten reaches up and wipes away a few tears off of my cheeks before pulling me into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Remi."

I shake my head into his chest. "It's not your fault, Aws. I'll be okay. I just haven't talked about him for a little bit." I explain before pulling away and wiping my face.

He nods his head in understanding before changing the subject. "Okay, so you said that you leave in a couple of days, right? How about this. We go on a date every day until you go. That sound good?"

I give him a small smile. "That sounds like fun. I can't wait to see what you plan out."

Soon, Geoff and Otto both wake up. I already know that my eyes are red and puffy from crying. Awsten gives them a look and shakes his head, telling them not to ask about it, which I appreciate. They look worried though, so I give Awsten a small nod, saying that it's okay. He kisses the top of my head before pulling out his phone, probably texting Geoff and Otto to explain what's happened to them.

I then get up to go get dressed for the day. Before I get to far, Awsten calls out to me. "Wear something cute. I mean, not that you don't always look cute, but we're going out to eat after the show tonight."

This causes me to giggle as I go through my bag. Finding what I want, I go and take a shower. Once I'm done with my shower, I start to get dressed. A maroon skater skirt and a black cropped sweater, which I match with a pair of tan tights and my black and white checkered vans.

Putting in my contacts, I do some natural eyeshadow and add a winged eyeliner and some mascara. I then pull my hair up into a messy bun. Doing a final check of how I look in the mirror, I head back out into the lounge.

The guys are all dressed when I get out there, which is good because they have sound check soon. As soon as Awsten sees me, a smile takes over his face. "You look amazing." He compliments me, making me blush.

They then get called for sound check. After they are done, we decide to just chill in their dressing room and play Geoff's Nintendo Switch until they have to go on stage. Soon, it's time for them to go on stage. Throughout the show, no matter where I am, Awsten keeps looking at me and smiling.

After the show, Awsten goes and takes a quick shower. When he comes out, he's in some black skinny jeans and his colorful sweater. I smile as he walks over to me. He takes my hand and we start walking to wherever he is taking me.

It's about a 10 minute walk, but we soon make it to where we are going. The Cheesecake Factory. We go inside and get a table before ordering our food, deciding to share a piece of cheesecake for dessert.

A Photographers Love (Awsten Knight)Where stories live. Discover now