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Today is January 17th, which means that it is Awstens 26th Birthday. For the past few days, I have been planning a surprise party for his birthday, with the help of Geoff, Otto, and Jawn. We sent Awsten to spend the morning with Henry at the shop so we can set up the party in his apartment.

It's a little bit before noon when we finally finish setting everything up and people start to show up. I leave the guys in charge of the party while I go to pick up Awsten.

On my way to get Awsten

I'll head over after you two leave

It doesn't take long before I pull up to the shop. Parking, I make way inside the shop using the side door. As soon as I step inside, I can hear Awsten laughing, bringing a smile to my face.

Awsten doesn't notice me, him being too focused on what Henry was showing him, so I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around him. "What are you guys doing?"

Jumping slightly, Awsten turns around and gives me goofy grin, but there's a flash of sadness in his eyes. Weird. "Henry was just showing me the guitar you and him are working on together." Whenever I'm not on tour and have time, I come down to the shop and help Henry out.

I let go of Awsten and move so that I'm standing beside him. "How about we head back to your place and we can watch some movies or something." Awsten just nods his head and says bye to Henry.

As we head out to my car, I can tell something is wrong. Normally Awsten would be talking nonstop, but he's quiet and it worries me. We get in my car but I don't start it, causing Awsten to look at me confused. I let out a sigh. "Aws, what's wrong?"

He looks at me shocked for a second before looking out the window. "Nothing." I give him a look telling him that I'm not buying it. Rolling his eyes, he looks back over at me. "Maybe I'm upset because I just wanted to spend my birthday with my girlfriend, not her stepdad."

Guilt runs through me and I want so badly to tell him but I also want to surprise him. "I'm sorry, Awsten. Jawn needed my help this morning and I thought that you might like to spend some time with Henry at the shop."

Awsten shakes his head. "And I'm sure Jawn couldn't have waited until tomorrow. And not to mention that you've been with him for the past couple of days. I know he's your best friend Remi, but I just thought that maybe you would want to spend my birthday with me. Guess I thought wrong."

That one hurt. I wanted to be with Awsten for the entire day, but I had to help the guys set up. The look on Awstens face hurts me even more and I can see in his eyes what's going through his head.

Moving so I completely face Awsten, I grab his hands in mine. "Awsten, listen to me. I love you. I love you so much and I wanted so badly to spend the entire day with you, but I had to do something this morning."

I can see in his eyes that he's still not fully convinced, and I don't blame him. After what happened to him with Ciara, anyone would be wary of it happening again. "Look, I know what it's like to be cheated on too. It hurts so bad and I would never do that to someone."

A look of guilt flashes in Awstens eyes and he goes to say something, probably apologize, but I cut him off. "It's okay Aws. You are just trying to be cautious. I understand. Plus, you're not the first to think it."

Awsten gives me a curious and concerned look. "What do you mean?"

I let out a sigh. "It was a like two years ago. I had been on tour with Palaye Royale and during one show, Rem brought me on stage and started dancing with me. I had been having a bad day and he was just trying to cheer me up. It wasn't a big deal.

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