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The days fly by and soon it's the last night of tour. Tonight we are in Houston. I give Geoff, Otto, and Awsten a hug before they run on stage. They play through their set, giving it their all, before running off stage. But they aren't done yet. Seeing as it's their home show, Awsten wanted to do something special.

I walk over to Awsten with a string of lights in hand as he switches to an acoustic guitar. Giving him a quick kiss, I start wrapping the lights around him. Once I'm done, I notice that Awsten looks nervous. "Hey, it's going to be okay. They all love you and will love anything you give them. And if they don't, then fuck 'em. They don't matter. You're going to be fine. I'll be right here. I promise." I try to calm him down.

He gives me a small smile and kisses the top of my head. "Thank you, Remi. I love you." And with that he runs back on stage. I just stand there, staring after him. He just said he loves me. He loves me.

Smiling, I go over to where Otto and Grace, who came to the performance tonight, are and watch as Awsten plays Lucky People. I can't stop thinking about what Awsten said though. Does he really love me? This would be the first time he's said it, if he actually meant it.

As soon as he finishes, Awsten heads backstage and instantly over to me. He wraps his arms around me and buries his head into my neck. I hug him back and we just stand there, our arms around each other. After a little bit, he pulls away and I help take off the lights and he puts his guitar away.

When he's done, he grabs my hand and leads me away from everyone else. I am really confused by what he is doing. We come to a stop and he looks down at me. "Please tell me I didn't fuck up."

I look at him even more confused. "Aws, it was beautiful. Everyone loved it. You didn't fuck up."

He shakes his head and grabs both of my hands and holds them in between his. "No. I was talking about us. Please tell me I didn't just fuck all of this up."

"What are you talking about, Awsten?" I ask, very confused.

Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair. "Before I went on stage. I said I love you." That's what he's talking about. He drops my hands and starts to pace. "I didn't even realize that I said it until I was already on stage. It just slipped out. You probably don't even feel the same and now I've just fucked everything up. I'm such an idiot. I'm going to lose the girl that I love."

I walk over to him and grab his hand to stop him from pacing. He looks at me and I can see the tears in his eyes, threatening to spill. I pull him into a hug and start rubbing small circles on his back. "Shhhh. Hey, it's okay. You didn't fuck anything up. I am right here."

Moving back a little bit, I look up at him, but keep my arms around him. "Can I let you in on a little secret?" I ask. He nods his head slightly, a tear rolling down his cheek as he does so. Reaching up with one hand, I wipe it away, giving him a small smile. "I love you too."

His eyes widen and fill with hope, a smile forming on his lips. "Really?" I nod my head, my smile growing. He lets out a little laugh and pulls me into a kiss before picking me up and spinning me around. "I love you so much."

After he's done spinning me, he sets me back down. We then walk back to where the others are, hand in hand, smiles covering our faces. This is a good ending to the tour. Being with the one I love.

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