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The past week has been so much fun. We have a show tonight in Seattle, Washington and then tomorrow we get a day off. I'm kind of looking forward to tomorrow because I was planning on calling Jawn to see how everything is going and tell him about everything that has happened.

It's still a little early, as in it's not noon yet, and everyone is already awake. As per usual, we are all squished together on one couch. This somehow has become a normal occurance for us, along with going out to eat after sound check. I usually end up laying on Awsten, not that I'm complaining though.

I finally decide to get up and stretch, which makes me lose my spot. Rolling my eyes, I go over to the little refrigerator to find something to drink. Not finding anything, I look over at the guys, a thought coming to mind.

Going over to my bunk, I grab my little purse and shoes before going back over to the guys. "I'm going to go get coffee." I tell them while I put on my shoes.

"We'll come with." Awsten says as he stands up, Geoff and Otto right behind him.

I just shake my head. "Nope. Just Otto." Awsten and Geoff look at me shocked while Otto is happy and starts to put on his shoes. "I have realized that I haven't had any Otto time yet. Geoff and I went and had coffee and Awsten and I went out for breakfast. So now it's Otto's turn to spend some time with me. We'll be back soon boys." I wave to them as we walk out the door.

We walk to a nearby Starbucks and order our drinks before finding someplace to sit. It doesn't take too long before our orders our ready. "So, how have you been enjoying tour?" I ask him, taking a sip of my coffee.

Otto sets his drink down. "It's been great. Although, I think you've been having more fun." I look at him confused. "We've all seen you Awsten together." He says with a small smirk.

I almost spit out my coffee but manage to swallow it. "We're just friends." I stumble out. Shit.

He gives me a look saying he's no buying it. "Oh come on. We can all see it. You like Awsten. Admit it. You always go out of your way to hug him first after shows, I've seen the way you look at him, you also tend to gravitate towards him more in social situations."

Blushing, I look down at the coffee cup in my hand, letting my hair hide my face. "Is it that obvious?" I started to realize that I liked Awsten about a week ago, the night we all went out for dinner.

Otto chuckles a little at my question. "To everyone except you and Awsten. We could see it from the very beginning. But don't worry, we all think you guys would be cute together."

I shake my head. "Maybe, but it's never gonna happen. Awsten only sees me as a friend, nothing more."

He grabs my hands that are wrapped around my coffee cup. I look up at him to see him giving me a reassuring smile before reaching up to wipe away a tear that I didn't know had fell. "That's not true. Have you seen the way Awsten acts around you? He is always happy when he's around you. He also talks about you non stop, and I thought Jawn was bad. He fell for you the moment he first saw you.

"Oh, and you should have seen him the night we went out to eat. Him and I were walking behind you and Patty and he looked like he was ready to hit Patty every time he made you laugh. He finally got to the point where he couldn't stand it anymore so he went and put his arm around you. You should have seen the look he gave Patty." Otto sounds like a teenage girl gossiping which makes me laugh.

I give Otto a smile. "Thank you for that, Otto. I needed it. I'm glad we did this. But you have to promise me that you won't tell Awsten that I like him. Please promise me."

Otto nods his head. "I promise that I won't tell Awsten you like him." He holds out his pinky finger. Giggling, I take his pinky in mine, sealing the promise.

We then continue to talk about different things. At one point Otto's phone went off and he smiled at the message, which I assumed was from Grace. After a little bit, our drinks are gone and we decide to head back to the bus so the guys can get ready for sound check.

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