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A couple of days later we are in Boston. We have today off and the Boston show is tomorrow. The guys have been really jumpy and secretive whenever I catch them all huddled together. I really just want to know what they are planning.

It's a little early in the morning, but everyone is awake because Rock Sound wanted Awsten to stop by and play around with a new amp they have. Geoff and Otto are going off to do something, I actually have no clue what because they won't tell me.

I put on some black leggings and Awstens newspaper sweater before putting on my black and white checkered vans and a black beanie. Soon, Awsten and I are at Rock Sound. I was just going to stay on the bus because Geoff and Otto wouldn't let me go with them to wherever, but they made me go with Awsten. There goes my plans of doing nothing, I guess.

Awsten takes out his guitar and they help him get it set up to the new amp before showing him how the amp works. It's actually kind of cool. You can control the sound using your phone instead of having to have a shit ton of pedals. He plays through a couple of songs, changing how they sound slightly. At one point he sneezes and tells them to keep it in.

While Awsten was playing some songs and talking about the amp, I sat off to the side. Because he was using a phone provided by Rock Sound that was already hooked up to the amp, Awsten gave me his phone to hold onto. Obviously, I chose to play on his phone instead of my own. The first thing I notice is that his lockscreen is a picture of me laying on him, sleeping. And when I unlock his phone, I see the picture he took of us when we were in Salt Lake City.

Once he's all done, he comes over to me and I hand him his phone which he puts into his pocket. He then wraps his arms around my waist from behind, so that my back is to his chest, and rests his head on top of mine while we wait for the guys to come and pick us up. "Have I ever told you how adorable you are?" I ask him. He laughs a little bit and shakes his head, messing up my beanie slightly. "Well you are. That sneeze was especially adorable."

He kisses the top of my head. "Well you are more adorable, especially in my sweater. Which is why you are my background."

Just then, the guys arrive. "Sorry we're a little late. Had to stop by the bus real quick." Geoff apologizes. He then gives Awsten a little nod.

I look between the two of them. "What is going on? Why did you guys have to stop at the bus?" I ask, not liking that I don't know what they are planning. "What are you guys planning? Please tell me."

Otto gives me an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Remi. We can't tell you." I just glare at him. This better be a hell of a good surprise.

We head back to the bus and the guys all start to get excited. Awsten takes my hand and leads me onto the bus, a huge grin on his face. As soon as we all get in the bus, I cross my arms and face the guys. "Alright. Tell me what you guys have been planning. I can't take it anymore."

"Hello to you too, Remi." A voice I know too well comes from behind me, causing me to jump slightly and gasp in surprise.

Turning around, I throw my arms around my best friend. "Jawn!"

He wraps his arms around me, laughing. "It's great to see you. I missed you."

I pull away and look back over at the guys who all have a giant smile on their faces. "Surprise!" They all yell. I roll my eyes and give them all a hug.

"You have no idea how hard it was to keep this a surprise for so long." Awsten tells me, putting an arm around my shoulders. "But I knew it would make you happy to see him. And I was right. It was their idea to keep it secret though." He says, pointing at Geoff, Otto, and Jawn.

I look over at Geoff and Otto. "Is that where you two went today? To pick up Jawn?" They both nod their heads and I look over at Jawn. "And you chose not to tell me you were coming to see me?"

Jawn gives me a sheepish look. "Yeah. I wanted to surprise you. Oh, and hey, guess what." I raise an eyebrow telling him to go on. "I'm staying for the rest of tour."

My eyes widen. "No way. You're actually staying for the rest of tour?" He nods his head, smiling. "Wait, where are you going to sleep? The two extra bunks are taken up with tour stuff."

With no one saying anything, I take it none of them thought about that. "I mean, you can just stay in my bunk with me and Jawn can have yours. If you're okay with that." Awsten finally says. This causes the others to all let out an 'aww'.

I nod my head, feeling myself start to blush. "I'm okay with that."

Jawn claps his hands. "Alright. Then it's decided. Remi is staying with Awsten and I'm taking her bunk. At least it will smell nice, unlike the others." I let out a small giggle. Yup. This is one hell of a surprise. I get to finish up tour with my best friend.

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