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Authors Note: Alright so, I'm having a bad day. I almost went to the wrong building for class, forgot about an assignment that was suppose to be due today, hit my leg against one of the desks, and just took an exam that I probably failed. I don't get lunch today because I still have my microbiology lab to go to and something is probably going to go wrong there, so have an extra chapter today. I hope that your day is going better than mine.

After we got done at the zoo, we found somewhere to eat dinner. By the time we got back to the bus, the sun had already gone down. If it wasn't for the fact that we had to leave to get to the next venue, we probably would have stayed out later, doing stuff we probably shouldn't have been doing and getting into trouble. So, here we are, back at the bus as it gets ready to leave.

"Today was so much fun. Thanks for suggesting the zoo Remi." Awsten thanks me as he plops down on the couch.

Shaking my head, I go over to the bunk area and grab my bag. "It was no big deal. If I hadn't, those two would probably still be arguing over where to go." I tell him, motioning to Otto and Geoff who were on the other couch.

They both send me a glare, but start laughing right away. I shake my head with a slight smile before pulling out a t-shirt and some athletic shorts to sleep in and go into the bathroom to change. It's takes me a little bit longer to change than normal because of how small the bathroom is. I also take out my contacts.

Once I'm done changing, I put the clothes I was wearing into my bunk and put on my glasses before going back out into the lounge area where the guys are at. I drop down onto the couch next to Awsten, letting out a sigh. Geoff and Otto spare a glance over at me but quickly go back to their game. Leaning my head onto the back of the couch, I close my eyes. "I hate bus bathrooms. They are so small and it's hard to move around in them."

Awsten chuckles from next to me. "I hear you. They suck. Nice glasses, by the way."

I nod my head, my eyes still closed. "Thanks. And yeah, they do. But I guess it's better than being in a van. I have toured with several bands that were just in a van. Had a lot of fun, but I will take small bathrooms on a tour bus over small vans, usually filled with sweaty guys. "

I feel Awsten move slightly beside me, causing me to open my eyes and look over at him. He's now sitting so that he faces towards me. "That sounds like fun."

Sitting up, I shift so that I'm sitting cross legged and facing Awsten. "So much fun. Especially when it came to changing. You learn how to get dressed real quick."

He gets a thoughtful look on his face. "If you don't mind me asking, how did that go?" I give him a confused look, not really understanding his question. "Oh, uh. You know. Seeing as bands are usually made up of guys."

I nod my head in understanding. "You mean changing with a bunch of guys around. It's just something you get used to I guess. Set ground rules." Awsten nods his head. "It's never really bothered me. I used to do theater in middle and high school. You get used to changing in front of people."

"That's pretty cool. I mean, as long as the guys are respectful and everything, I see no problem with it." My face fills with shock at Awstens words. "What? Did I say something wrong?" He asks worried.

I snap out of my shock and shake my head. "No. Sorry. Just not used to people being understanding of it. I mean, the bands are usually understanding, in the sense that if they try anything, they will probably get hit in the dick and be down a photographer." Awsten laughs a little bit at this. "But whenever I tell other people, they think it's weird that I change in front of guys. I've actually had a few friends call me a slut because of it. My ex especially didn't really like the idea of me changing in front of guys. But it's whatever. It's all in the past."

A look of anger flashes across Awstens face. "Well fuck him and everyone else. It would be different if you actually did anything with them, but from what it sounds like to me, you didn't. They don't know what it's like to be on tour. If they were really your friend or cared about you at all, they would understand that."

Without thinking, I reach over and hug Awsten. After a second of shock, he hugs me back. "Thank you Awsten. That means a lot. I'm glad I have friends like you guys." I look over to Geoff and Otto. "Get over here you two." They waste no time in getting to Awsten and I, joining in on the hug.

A Photographers Love (Awsten Knight)Where stories live. Discover now