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I wake up the next morning and start smiling as soon as I remember what happened last night. Awsten actually asked me out. We're actually going on a date today. Oh shit we're going on a date today. What am I going to wear?

Talking coming from the lounge snaps me out of my thoughts. I get out of my bunk and see Awsten and Geoff talking. Geoff spots me first, which causes Awsten to look back to see what he's looking at. His face brightens up when he sees me. "Hey, jellybean. How did you sleep?" He asks as I make my way towards them.

Letting out a yawn, I go and stand next to Awsten, leaning my head on him. "Pretty good. How long was I asleep? Or are you guys just up early?" I answer before asking a question of my own.

Awsten lets out a chuckle and kisses the top of my head. That is something that I could definitely get used to. "I'm not sure how long you were asleep, but we're up early."

I nod my head. "Okay well, I'm going to go call Jawn. I told him I would call him today." I go to walk back over to the bunks, but before I get to far, I spin around so I'm facing Awsten. "Before I forget, what are we doing today? That way I know what to wear."

He just shakes his head. "Nope. It's a surprise. But I will tell you that you can wear whatever is comfortable. You'll look amazing no matter what you are wearing though."

Looking down, I try to hide my blush. "Alright. Thank you."

I then go to my bunk and climb back into it before grabbing my phone and dialing my favorite redhead. He answers after a couple of rings. "Hey Remi. How's everything going?" He asks and I can hear the smile in his voice.

I can't help but to smile. "Everything is going good. I actually have a date with Awsten today."

He lets out a laugh. "That's good. He'll be good for you, Rem."

"Thanks, Jawn. He makes me really happy." I tell him.

We then start talking about everything that has been happening in our lives since I've left to go on tour with the guys. This goes on for about an hour until we say goodbye. Once I'm off the phone with Jawn, I start trying to find something to wear.

I settle for a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a sweater I found that is a pastel pink at the top, white in the middle, and a light grey at the bottom. After taking a quick shower, I get dressed and braid my hair into two pieces before putting on my black beanie. Once I put my contacts in, I decide to do a little bit of makeup, a tiny winged eyeliner and some mascara.

Liking how I look, I step out of the bathroom and go to the lounge where Awsten and Geoff still are and sit down on the couch with Awsten. Otto is still in his bunk sleeping. As soon as Awsten sees me, he starts smiling. "Isn't that mine?" He asks, tugging on my sweater. I look down at it, realizing that it's not actually mine. "It's okay. It looks good on you. I like it."

Awsten then jumps up. "Alright. Let's go get some coffee." He says, pulling me off of the couch, causing me to giggle. I go and grab my black and white checkered vans and put them on. Awsten then leads me out the door and we start walking towards the Starbucks that Otto and I went to yesterday.

Once we get there, Awsten orders for me while I find us someplace to sit. He insisted on ordering for me and paying. As soon as he gets our drinks, Awsten comes over to where I'm sitting and hands me mine before sitting down.

We just sit there in a comfortable silence while we drink or coffees. "Thank you for this, Awsten." I say, breaking the silence.

He smiles at me. "It's no problem. Can't let you go without your daily fix of coffee."

I lightly kick him under the table. "Oh shush. How else do you expect me to deal with the three of you. It's honestly a miracle that you guys are still alive."

We continue to mess with each other while we drink our coffee. It's not until way after our coffees are gone that we decide we should probably head back to the bus, seeing as we've been here for a few hours now. On the way back, we stop at a little bakery and order some food to eat back on the bus.

When we get back, both Otto and Geoff are gone. They probably went to the store or are out looking around. Awsten puts a movie in and sits down on the couch before patting the spot next to him. Rolling my eyes, I go and sit next to him and watch the movie, eating the stuff we got from the bakery.

At some point I lay down so that my head is in his lap and Awsten plays with my hair. Not long after, the movie ends and Awsten leans over me. "Hey, jellybean. You awake?"

Yawning, I sit up, a smile on my face. "Somewhat."

This causes him to laugh a little. "Okay. Well you better wake up because it's time to go." I instantly wake up, excited. "You ready?" He asks as he stands up. I nod my head and he holds out his hands for me to take. Smiling, I take his hands and he pulls me up and towards him. He lets go of one hand but keeps ahold of the other as he leads me out the door and towards wherever he is planning on taking me.

After a little bit of walking, we come up to a park. Awstens hand leaves mine, but they are soon covering my eyes. "Do you trust me?" I nod my head and he starts slowly walking me in a direction. Every so often he'll tell me if I need to step over something.

Soon we come to a stop and he removes his hands from my eyes. It takes my eyes a second to adjust to the light, but once they do, I bring my hand up to my mouth. It's so beautiful. There is a little picnic set up under a tree, several candles surround the blanket on the ground and there are a bunch of candles in jars hanging from the tree. The sun is just starting to set, which makes it even better.

I turn around and wrap my arms around Awstens neck, pulling him in for a hug. "It's beautiful. I love it."

He smiles into my hair, his arms wrapped around my waist. "I'm glad you like it. Geoff and Otto helped out a little bit." Pulling out of the hug, Awsten takes my hand and leads me to the blanket and little table set up on it.

We sit on opposite sides and he starts pulling out all of the food from the basket. I smile when I notice what is packed, an Italian beef sandwich. "Yeah, Geoff kind of saved me yesterday. We were talking about the plans for tonight. If it wasn't for his quick thinking, I probably would have just blurted out what I was planning. But it worked out because then I knew what to pack. I mean, I probably would have just ended up asking Jawn."

I can't help but laugh. "Wait, did Jawn know about this?" I ask him.

He looks down, trying to hide his rosy cheeks, nodding. "Yesterday when you and Otto left to go get coffee, I accidently told Geoff that I like you. He then proceeded to call Jawn when I mentioned that I wouldn't have a chance with you because you're like Jawns little sister. But he was really chill with it."

Getting up, I go and sit next to Awsten. I cup Awstens face and I gently make him look at me. "I find it really adorable that you asked Jawn if you could take me on a date. No one has ever done that before. And just so you know, I like you too." I tell him, smiling, which causes him to smile. "Now, how about we eat this food?"

He nods his head and I let go of his face. Staying where I am next to Awsten, I turn so that I'm facing the small table. I grab a sandwich and a few of the strawberries that are out and start eating

Once we finish eating, Awsten gets up, telling me to stay where I am. He comes back a few seconds later with a guitar in hand. "I figured that I could sing a few songs to you while we're here."

"I would love that, Aws." He smiles and sits back down next to me.

He strums a couple of chords before he starts playing and singing along to Pink. I smile and hum along to the entire song. When he's done with that, he starts to play Stupid For You.

When he finishes playing, we sit there for a little bit longer, just looking up at the stars. After that we we clean up a little bit. Awsten tells me that Geoff and Otto will be by to pick everything up in a little bit. We then start walking back to the bus, hand in hand.

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