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"Why didn't you tell me?" my mother hisses as soon as the doctor turns and exits the curtained room. Her check up seemingly having gone well, and it shows.

"I didn't want to worry you, i'm sorry" I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest and looking anywhere but at her. Only cause I know I should have said something to her, and this all could have been avoided. She wouldn't have insisted to go see Harry's store, and he wouldn't be half comatose down a few bunks.

"You should have called the cops on that bastard" she scolds.

"I know, but I've practically been on my own with all theses decisions mom. I've even dragged Harry into this mess, and his family!" I half laugh, and try to swallow the lump in my throat. God they couldn't even look me in the eye.

"Your right" my mother sighs, and reaches out to me, pulling me into her arms the best she can. "Everything will be fine now honey, the police have a hold of him and he won't be getting out anytime soon" she rubs my back, and like clockwork and officer interrupts to come and take my mothers statement.

I leave her with the chubby and extremely friendly officer, and take the opportunity to check on Harry. I checked on him a few minutes ago, and he was still out of it. I'm a few steps from his curtained room when Gemma comes out, and pulls the curtain closed behind her.

"Gem how-" I begin the moment we make eye contact.

"This is all your fault" she hisses, stomping over to me and honestly i'm not surprised. This just gives her a better reason to really hate me. "If it wasn't for you he wouldn't be half dead right now! I knew it-" her eyes are wild, anger, stress, and worry fill her eyes as beautiful as Harry's. "I knew there was something about you, ha! You paint such a heart warming tale for all of us to fawn over you and feel sorry for you. Then you go and-"

"Gemma" Anne appears out of nowhere, rescuing me from the hurtful truth her daughters just spat in my face. I have no energy left to fight this never ending battle. I'm always going to bring Harry down with me, and Gemma's said it, he wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.

"Leave the girl alone she's been through enough" Anne sighs, and I watch Gemma stare her down, but Anne doesn't even flinch, before her daughter storms of towards the waiting area.

I look to the floor, ashamed of what i've caused Anne and her family.

"Lana" she surprises me, taking the few steps towards me and tilting my chin up. "Don't pay attention to Gemma, she's just worried and is looking for someone to blame" she forces a small smile, her eyes are bloodshot and swollen from crying.

"But she's right to blame me if it wasn't for my-" I begin, the tears rolling down my face but Anne interrupts.

"You had no idea your father would come for you at the shop, and you didn't know he was capable of what he did. At least not to that extent" she sighs, dropping her hands form my face and taking both of mine. "And I know Harry wouldn't have just sat there and let those men hurt you and your mum. He's got a big heart, and I think you know by now that you've stolen it from him" she smiles genuinely now, despite the circumstance. I look down again, not knowing how to respond, and for a split second all seems fine. I almost believe this isn't my fault.

I know Harry did what he did to help me, keep me and my mother safe, but look what it caused him.

"Just stop blaming yourself honey" she reassures once again and I look up into her eyes, filled with overall warmth. "Now go, maybe hearing your voice will wake him up" she winks at me, before letting me in to see Harry.

I watch as she strolls past the nurses' desk and into the waiting area Gemma ran to earlier before I disappear into the curtained room.

I can't help the gasp that escape my lips as my eyes fall on Harry's still body, lying there in a dreary hospital bed. I just can't get used to seeing him like this. His face is almost unrecognizable, his eye is badly bruised and swollen. His busted lip, achingly red, and also swollen. His beautiful face is completely distorted, and it's all my fault.

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