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Namjoon's POV

Jungkook has just said he is leaving BTS but that cant happen we need him and love him he can't leave now. He's heading out of the door now so I quickly run in front of him and shout "STOP".

Third person's POV

Namjoon doesn't want Jungkook to leave just yet because why can't he just sort it out now and find out what wrong. "Jungkook wait why don't we talk about this can you tell me what's wrong" Jungkook doesn't even look at Namjoon he just looks at the floor silently crying.

Namjoon keeps trying with Jungkook but fails.

Jin now tries to get through to Jungkook.

Jungkook's blood is now boiling with anger he just wants to leave and forget.

Jin keeps going on at Jungkook and he eventually snaps "ok fine I'm in love" Hoseok the gasps "with who?" "with all of you" Jungkook says still looking at his feet not wanting to look at them. "oh, Kookie we know that" Tae coos at Jungkook "no you don't understand I mean I truly love you like I want us to be together forever and with no one else" Jungkook says now looking at his Hyung's. 

Everyone is taken back and shocked of what Jungkook just said. Jungkook feels the tension in the room and he feels embarrassed so he turns to leave again "knew you wouldn't feel the same" he says. This time it's Jimin's turn to stop Jungkook from leaving because that's not happening. "don't go bunny" Jungkook blushes from the pet name.  

"I think Jungkook is right because I truly love you too Jin I love how you are so caring towards us yoongi you're just adorable everything you do Hoseok your cute little ball of sunshine namjoon I love your freestyling is adorable taehyung I love how you're so bubbly towards everyone and everything and jungkook you cute little adorable bunny please don't need if you love us that's fine we'll get through it . and i think we all love each other truly" jimins says when he finishes BTS all look at him in the eyes and have tears in them they are speechless what he just said.

After when Jimin says that Namjoon realises that he too has loved his members from the very beginning but pushed the feelings away.

"right I know Jimin and Jungkook are right we do love each other so who wants go be in a relationship with all of us" Namjoon says Hoseok then speaks "it that even a thing?" "yes it is it's called Polyamory we can all be together even add more" Namjoon says he knows about this because at the very beginning he looked it up to see if he would date his members but never actually told them. "yes, I think we should all hands in" Jin shouts everyone instantly smiles and they all put their hands in "will you guys go out with me?" Jin adds.

Everyone screams "YES".

Jungkook can't proses that has just happened and speaks up "you won't hurt me will you" everyone turns to him Jin goes to his side "no of course not bunny we would never do that" Jin pinches Jungkook's cheek he smiles.

"well I'm definitely not leaving now I have 6 boyfriends to care for me and love me and I will love them" Jungkook blushes "please don't do that again that scared me I would never want to lose our Jungkookie" Tae says.

"oh, and I'm sorry I messed everything up last night" "It's ok but don't stare at us on stage you can do that when ever now" Hobi says and they all smile.

That night all 7 boyfriends stayed in one room cuddling up to each other not leaving each other's side. 

Hope you liked it.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 🇰🇷💜

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