Going on Holiday

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Taehyung's pov

 We have been best friends for 6 years but boyfriends for 9 months and today we're going on holiday to Spain. I'm so excited. Lets just hope nothing bad will happen.

Getting to the airport was fine we are 2 hours early than we are supposed to but something seems off. The morning went too smoothly.

Yoongi's POV

I wake up to a quiet dorm which is weird because wouldn't everyone be rushing around to find things for the holiday. i suddenly get really excited i really want my daddy. we are going on holiday and we can go splish splash in the pool. I climb out of bed and go find my daddy.

I walk in and out of rooms but there is no one to be found "daddy dada where are you. Are you hiding from Yoonie. wookie, TaTa, Jiji. Namie, Mama" i fall on my bum and start crying "mama weft me".

Jin's POV
We are about to check in our bags I quickly do a headcount but then I realise Yoongi is missing " guys where Yoongi?" I say starting to panic. "I don't remember him at breakfast" jimin says and then I realise we left him at home "we left our baby boy at home we are going back we will make it in time".
I say and we all quickly hurry get taxi and drive all the way back home.

Walk back into the dorm and we hear the faint cries my heart breaks at the site when I see Yoongi on the floor crying his heart out. "Mama?" When I realised that you can see is in in a younger headspace and no more because me mama "oh baby we are very sorry that we left you now come on we are going on holiday remember" I say "no I hate u" he stares and starts to crawl off.
"We are going to miss our flight aren't we?" Jungkook says with a pout "I book a flight for tomorrow" Namjoon says.

We all agree that we spoil Yoongi and the littles on holiday.

That's night it took awhile for Yoongi to forgive his caregivers but he did after taehyung bought him a big teddy bear.

The next day he carried it to Spain he was really happy. this time Jin made sure yoongi was awake.

When they got to Spain yoongi when splish splash in the pool he was very happy.

Hope you enjoyed it I'm sorry it's so short I hope to get back into writing soon.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 🇰🇷💜

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