I'm Broken pt1

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Warning = verbal abuse, child abuse and suicidal thoughts 

Since the begging of the relationship you never anything about your past. In the back of your mind you should tell them. But when is the right time. Your main priority is them and only them when there upset it's your responsibility to care for them. They don't care what happened before. 

Today is just a normal day in the BTS household except everyone seems angry. You don't like that feeling it brings you sick to the stomach. You walk into the room where everyone seems to be in you quickly regret walking in there in the first place. But you cant just walk out because that would be weird. So you just stay there. You sit next to Tae he stares at you with so much anger you have no idea why. Jin turns to you "can you piss of y/n" you look at him with so much disbelief he never swears at you unless your in bed together but that's not happening right now. "what?" you say generally confused "you fucking heard me I don't want to see your face right now" and with that you just leave with tears in you eyes.  

You go into your room you close the person's turn off all the lights and sit on the floor and just cry. Sitting there on the floor brings back so many memories. BAD memories.

You feel that you are back in England being a 4 year old girl scared, alone, hungry with blood dripping down your face. Your in so much pain. Why were you even born because everything is just so painful.

Eventually you fall asleep due to crying but you wake up to your phone ringing and it is manager. You leave the dorm so you can get some fresh air and talk to manager.   

Hopefully when you come back everyone will be a lot better.

But when you came back the dorm seems very quiet unsettling quiet. You see that BTS have just left with out saying anything to. 

You start to think would you could have possibly have done to make them angry because it is always your fault. Because it's your fault that your big brother Evan died so why cant this be your fault to. You remember the day when your brother died very vividly. 

You were 4 and Even was 7 years old you were so hungry you haven't eaten in days so you go into the fridge and eat something you know you are not meant to eat but you are so hungry. 

Lter on your dad finds out and gets the belt to go and beat you but your brother steps in and says it was him. Your dad looks even more angry than usual because your brother has always been the favourite your parents never really wanted you in the first place. You dad starts beats Evan. You watch the whole thing very scared. 

Your dad keeps hitting Evan until he blood started coming out of his mouth he was basically choking on it. He spits at you and walks away. You ran to your bother and hold his hand until his last breath. You knew from that moment it was your the one that killed your brother even though you are only 4. 

After thinking that horrible thought you completely backed out and you find yourself in the bathroom with cuts on your arm yo haven't done this in a year your sad you broke you streak. You hear the front door open and you hear shouting of your name. You quickly bandage yourself up and quickly leave the bathroom.

Ok hello this is very deep and very meaningful I always wanted x reader to have a really hard past so I hope you enjoy it part 2 will be out next week I still haven't seen it yet but I do hope you enjoyed it if you want any chapters with specific members please let me know and thank you for 88k reads.Also Happy birthday Hoshi.
Love Midnightanna xx 💜🇰🇷🏳️‍🌈

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