Chapter 1

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A bright light shone from an island not too far off from the Red Line. The light was emanated from a small spring, on poneglyph standing proud at the center. Many offerings had been made to this spring, baskets upon baskets of fresh crops laid beside the large stone, flower bouquets and crowns decorated the top. As the light slowly started to fade away, a woman emerged from the spring's water, gasping her first breath of air.

As she stood up, water cascaded down her body, soothing her smooth skin. The water beneath her bare feet splashed with every gentle step she took. Nearing the edge of the spring, she gazed down upon the valley beneath, eyes narrowing at the sight of marine ships docked at the north beach, and the tiny caravel docked to the west.


"Hey look! That island is glowing!" Luffy pointed out to the pillar of light coming off of an island not too far off.

"Island?" The ships navigator inquired. "That should be impossible! Loguetown is supposed to be the closest island to the Red Line." Grabbing her sea chart, Nami examined the prints, looking for any sort of land form. "Strange." She muttered, attracting the attention of the crew.

"What's wrong Nami-san?" Sanji asked, taking a drag from his cigarette. Nami showed the map to the crew, pointing to a spot surrounded by ocean.

"We're here. There's no island around us, meaning this island has appeared out of nowhere." The crew all sighed, looking to their captain who looked more excited than ever.

"Woohoo! Mystery island! Nami! Let's go!"

"Yeah, yeah." Nami placed down the sea chart, rubbing her temples. Pointing to each member of the crew, Nami gave everyone an assignment, directing the Going Merry towards the glowing island.

As they neared the island, they saw a fleet of Marine ships docked at the shore.

"Marines? Why are there so many?" Usopp took out his telescope, trying to find any sort of clue as to why so many Marines were present. Finding nothing, he turned to his crew mates, giving them a shrug. Humming to herself, Nami looked around, spotting an isolated beach on the west side of the island. Pointing to it, Nami requested that they docked there, the crew immediately getting to work.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Usopp asked, watching as Zoro threw down the anchor with ease.

"We don't really have a choice, considering who our captain is." Nami replied. The two looked over, sweatdropping at the sight of their captain cheering as he stood upon Merry's head.

"She's right. Besides, we're strong enough to take them all down." Zoro placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, facial expression relaxed, as if the thought of so many marines didn't bother him one bit.

Climbing down from the ship's rope ladder, the crew finally set foot on the island, now noticing that the pillar of light has faded away.

"I wonder if there's a village on this island." Nami inquired as Luffy ran ahead of the group, reaching the peak of the trail. Looking down, the male saw a tiny village in a valley.

"Hey! I see something down there!" He announced to his crew, waving them over with one hand while pointing to the base of the valley with the other.

Walking over towards their captain, the crew's gaze set on the village.

"I guess that answers my question." The navigator stepped forward before turning around to face the crew. "Alright, I want all of you to get information on this island. But be as discreet as possible and avoid the marines at all cost!" Turning towards the captain to her side, Nami whacked his head, gaining a pout from him. "That means you Luffy." Nodding in agreement, the crew all made their way down towards the village.

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