Chapter 14

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"Crocodile! I'll kick your ass-!" Luffy tried to fit through the bars, but his powers were weakened by the sea prism stone. The warlord of the sea only watched in amusement as Luffy struggled.

"So many moves I've made to make it this far. Have you any idea why I'd go to such lengths to attain this country?" Crocodile questioned Vivi, who only glared at him.

"As if I'd ever understand anything going through your rotten head!" She spat.

"You really are a bad mouthed princess." Crocodile sighed. Vivi leaned to the side, knocking over the chair she was sitting in, throwing herself to the ground. "Oi, oi. What are you trying to do, Miss Wednesday?"

"I'm going to stop you." Now that her hands weren't bound behind the chair, Vivi was able to crawl along the ground, desperately trying to escape. "There's still time! I just need to get to Alubarna! I will absolutely not let you win!"

"Vivi." Luffy and the others watched the princess struggle on the floor, a place a princess shouldn't be.

"What a coincidence. We were just about to head to Alubarna too. If you'd like to come with us, then do so. Or...." Crocodile looked at Vivi with a wicked expression. "would you rather save these people?" The man lifted up a key, most likely for the cage.

Y/n moved to grab the key with the Cancer realm, but as she reached out, Miss All Sunday used her devil fruit powers to hold the goddess back, bending her body in a dangerous position. She cried out in pain, not being able to use her powers. The rest of the Straw Hat crew glared at Miss All Sunday, wanting to attack the woman to set y/n free. Vivi struggled desperately, trying to break free from the ropes.

Crocodile smirked and let go of the key, letting it fall down. Just as Vivi broke free from the ropes, Crocodile opened a trap door, the key falling into the room below before she could grab it.

"It won't be too long before their fight to the death begins. Even if you left for Alubarna now, who knows if you'll make it on time...?" Crocodile turned towards Vivi. "To stop the rebellion, you'd need to leave at once, Miss Wednesday. Or will you save these people instead? It also doesn't help that I accidentally dropped the key into the floor below, the bananagator's den." Vivi gasped as she looked into the trapdoor, a large alligator with a strange banana-shaped lump on it's head walking towards the key.

"Whoa! There's an alligator growing out from under that banana!" Luffy looked at the sight in awe and curiosity.

"What's with those huge alligators?!" Nami shrieked.

"This room's underwater?" Usopp questioned.

"What a strange banana!" Luffy gasped. If y/n wasn't seconds away from having her back snapped in half, she would've punched her captain for being such a dumbass. Vivi gasped in shock as she watched the bananagator below.

"What's wrong, Vivi?" Luffy questioned, unable to see from his spot in the cage.

"The bananagator just swallowed the key!" She told them.

"What?!" Luffy shouted in disbelief. "Hurry up and chase it and make it spit the key out!"

"I can't! bananagators are so ferocious, they even prey on sea kings!" Vivi informed.

"I apologize for clumsily dropping the key. Plus, there's no telling which one of them swallowed it." Crocodile smirked, not looking apologetic in the slightest. "Also, this room will be destroyed automatically in one hour's time. One million citizens of Alabasta, or five measly pirates and a marine with no future? Which do you choose, Miss Wednesday?" Crocodile began to walk away, laughing at the desperate expressions on his enemy's faces. "Let's go, Miss All Sunday." The woman nodded, releasing y/n before following Crocodile out of the room.

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