Chapter 4

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Clarke's POV

The week has finally come! I'm so excited. I quickly jogged to school to see my friends and Lexa standing away from each other. I joined my friends and we went onto the bus, Lexa following behind.

I sat with Lexa and the others sat behind. I looked over to her and saw her staring out of the window.

I got onto my phone and plugged in my earphones and listened to music the whole way.

We finally got there after two hours and I couldn't be more relieved to stretch my legs and see the place.

The counsellors led us to the hotel where we are going to be staying in and showed us everything. It was amazing. Lexa stayed behind but at a good distance.

I took my two suitcases up to my room, and saw Lexa in front of me heading into the elevator. She looked at me and smiled and just stood there impatiently.

Does she feel awkward with me? This is going to be a long week...


Lexa's POV

I walked into the room Clarke and I were going to be sharing and set my suitcases on the floor. She looked at me a few times as i fixed my side of the room.

"I don't want this to be awkward, Lexa," she told me. I looked at her and felt uncomfortable, why do I feel this way?! Maybe because she makes me feel things. Makes me realize I want more than just fooling around with other girls.

But she doesn't even like me, which breaks me. She snapped me out of my thoughts when she called me again. "Are you alright?" She asked me, as she put a hand on my shoulder.

I sat down on the bed and she did the same. I said yes and headed out the door, leaving all my stuff just lying there. I had to get away from her right now.

I heard her call my name but I ran fast.

I went out and saw it start to get dark after sitting by the river for two hours. I saw a beautiful spot in the woods after walking around for a while. Wow.

It started to near to 6:00pm, so I just decided to go back to the hotel.

It was dinner time, and I headed back to the room, knowing she would be with her friends. I opened the door and saw her sitting there. Guess I was wrong.

She came over and hugged me. Wait whatt??? "I was worried, are you okay?" She asked me. Is SHE okay? I nodded and took her hand.


Clarke's POV

She took my hand. She started to lead me out of the room and I closed the door behind me. Where was she taking me? I followed her and she led me outside.

She led me over to a river, and she sat down. I sat down next to her and we sat in silence for a while. I wanted to clear the air.

"Lexa, why do you always avoid me?" I asked. She looked over to me and shrugged. "Please, that's not an answer," this time she spoke.

"Clarke, can we talk about this another time. I want to learn about you," what she said shocked me. But I said okay.

"I heard you moved here. Why?" She asked. I told her about my mom. "How long have you been at this school?" I questioned back.

She has been here her whole life, wow. After learning a bit more about each other, it got late. We both stood up and walked back in silence to our room.

I laid in bed for a while then heard her tell me goodnight. "Goodnight, Lexa, we should do that again sometime," I said.

"How about every night we're here?" She asked. I smiled to the thought and said okay. I dosed off to sleep a few minutes after that.

It was the morning and we had a lot of activites to do. I headed downstairs with Lexa after we got ready and got some breakfast. We talked and laughed for a long time until my other friends came over to us.

We all sat down talking about today's plans, and I realized Lexa being so quiet, she must have felt awkward. I invited Lexa, not asking the others.

She nodded with a smile and it was time to go fulfill our plans for the day. First up were canoe rides. Bellamy invited me to his boat, and I saw Raven getting stuck with Lexa and felt bad for both of them.

"Bellamy, do you mind if I go with Lexa?" I asked. I saw the hurt in his eyes but he waved me over. Raven took my place as I took hers. I saw Lexa smile as she saw me sit in the back.

"Is it ok if I take the front?" She asked. Aw she cares about me. I nodded in reply, honestly relieved because I suck at this.

After being out on the boat for a while she turned back and gave me a devilish smile. Huh?

She rocked the boat strongly from side to side. "Don't you dare!" I yelled. It tipped over and i felt the cold water rush all around me.

I stuck my head out of the surface and saw Lexa laughing. I couldn't help but smile and pull her under. We both opened our eyes under the water and looked at eachother. Her eyes are so beautiful.

She rose to the surface and got back into the boat, reaching her hand out for me. This is going to be a fun day.


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