Chapter 2 : The Squad.

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John pov

I stood there absolutely stunned for a couple of seconds. I watched his face go bright red. His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance.

Alex pov

'Oh fricklety frackitty frick!!' I thought to myself. Why, oh why did my bisexual ass always have to go and screw things up for me?!

John pov

He looked as if he was about to explode and I felt bad, so I laughed. Apart from the extreme uncomfortable atmosphere to the situation, it wasn't really a big deal. He looked so relieved.

"I'm John Laurens. I work here on Saturdays...Well actually, my boss is gonna fire me I won't..." I trailed off.

"Nice to meet you John Laurens." He shook my hand. Then he just stood there, holding his coffee.

Alex pov

OH MY LIN!! I just shook hands with the most beautiful human being to ever walk this earth. He looked at me for a second. Then, smiling he scribbled something on a piece of paper. It said:

07123456789- John Laurens xx

I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or what. But I wrote my (stolen) number on a napkin and gave it to him. Then I went and sat down to enjoy my dinner.

'I don't know who he is but I hope I see him again' I thought, taking a sip of my coffee.

Little did I know my wish was about to come true.

Sunday 31st August

Alex pov

I wandered into the college campus. It was a cold day and my sweater was thin, so shivered as I wandered over the crunchy gravel towards the main buildings. I just wanted to get to my dorm. The only problem was, I had absolutely no idea where it was. I had only been here once before and I didn't exactly get a tour. But, I looked around in an attempt to get my bearings. Suddenly I fell to the floor.

"Watch it shorty!" A tall kid yelled. He was wearing a vibrant magenta coat and piled on his head was a bouncy afro. For some weird reason, I had the urge to touch it, but my instincts told me not to. He snickered and turned to leave. I was sure he had pushed me on purpose. 

I should have brushed it off, but I wasn't that kind of person. I didn't care that he had pushed me, I wasn't hurt or anything, I just wanted him to know not to mess with me. Maybe I was too big for my boots, but I definitely felt a strange surge of courage at that moment and so I got up and clenched my fists.

"Hey, Afro!" I yelled at him as he walked away with his gang. He turned slowly, it could have been because he hadn't heard me, but I assumed it was for dramatic effect. He seemed like that kind of guy.

"What...did you call me?!" His voice was icy and cruel, like a bully in a kids movie.

I almost laughed at his cliché persona. "I called you Afro. I didn't know you had hearing problems as well as a bad fashion sense." I replied saltily.

Onlookers waved their hand frantically, motioning for me to stop, but I wasn't scared. He didn't seem a threat to me.

"You can't really talk, cardigan." He shot slyly.

"Hey! It's not a cardigan!" I yelled, letting my guard down for a second, but he knew he had got me there. I was naïve and helpless, I should have said something witty, but I couldn't have foreseen his reply. He laughed, maliciously and pushed me backwards gently. 

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