Chapter 50 - Maybe this is the end?

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Just a disclaimer, this chapter is not entirely realistic (when am I ever?), but just go with it, okay? Oh, yeah, also this might be the last chapter because I've gotten where I needed to be in the story and it's 50 chapters long so...yeah. Have a great day and I hope you enjoy. 

I might do a lil epilogue, but we'll see.

Thursday 23rd December

Peggy pov

The party started at eight. It was just the Squad until news of our party leaked and random people started turning up. I didn't really mind; I just danced with Maria and drank mulled wine. We didn't really notice what else was going on because we were happy. I felt like nothing mattered because I was here and she was here and we were happy. And that was enough.

Angelica pov

The party was full of slightly tipsy college students doing stuff that wouldn't be considered normal anywhere other than a party. I was just sitting on the windowsill surveying the damage. I could see my friends laughing and dancing and (unfortunately) arguing. There was always a dark cloud over every party. It saddened me to see Will and Laf screaming at one another over the blasting music. As childish as it sounded, I wished everyone could just be happy and get along. 

I suddenly felt claustrophobic in the heat and noise of the party, so I walked out into the corridor to get some air. I turned to see Samuel Seabury sobbing his eyes out in the hall.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, crouching down as best I could.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." His crazed eyes met mine and I stepped back in shock.

He looked as if there were a million voices screaming in his head. A whispered "Oh my goodness" escaped my lips. 

He shot up and grabbed my arm, leading me out of the hallway. I followed out of curiosity. He led me to the living room of his dorm and sat down on the floor. I sat on the couch near him. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice full of worry.

"I...I think I can trust you..."

"You can. Whatever it is, you can tell me." I tried to assure him.

"Yes, I can. SHUT UP!!!" He screamed.

I gasped. "I'm sorry."

"No...Please don't apologise" He mumbled. "...I wasn't talking to you. I'm sorry...He's just so-...He wouldn't want me to say that..." He turned his face to the ground in shame.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked him, feeling a strong sense of sympathy.

When he looked up, I saw something new in his eyes.

It was fear.

"You have to promise you wont tell- SHE WON'T TELL, SHUT UP!!" He yelled again.

His outbursts were starting to scare me. What if he was a psychopath? He couldn't be; he was the purest boy I had ever met...or at least he was a few months ago.

He smacked the side of his head. "Shut up!!"

"Sam. Don't listen to him, whoever it is." I pleaded.

"But I have to...It's his job. H-he has to haunt me forever...It's my fault, I did it and now he's coming for me. He controls everything. I have no escape." He muttered to himself, standing and pulling at the ends of his hair. "If I die, he dies. But what if he doesn't die?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked softly, trying to be gentle. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know if he was schizophrenic or if he was just insane. I had no idea how to deal with either of those problems.

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