Chapter 43 - IT'S HALLOWEEN

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Sunday 31st October

Peggy pov

I knocked at the door and stepped back. The few seconds it took Charles Lee to stumble to the door felt like a millennium. I was probably the most nervous I had ever been in my entire life. This was my first proper college party and I had no idea what to expect. Hercules sensed my unease and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, it'll be great. Trust me." 


Lee opened the door and - with a look of sheer disgust - lead us through to his kitchen. A wall of sound smacked me in the face as he opened the door. There were people everywhere, all in brightly coloured costumes. Red solo cups littered the floor and people stumbled around to the music.

 His dorm was really big as it was owned by George King, who had payed extra for a massive dorm. There were a lot of people already there; I guessed about half of my year. Most of them were already drunk as hell.

Out of my peripheral vision, I spotted Liza dancing wildly about the living room with Jefferson and several other dodgy looking guys. Herc walked over to her.

I was about to follow when a hand landed on my shoulder. Martha Manning turned me around to face her, her freakishly long nails boring into my arm. She tossed her hair over the shoulder of her at-least-3-sizes-too-tight cat costume and grinned down at me.

"Hey Martha." I greeted her quietly.

She giggled obnoxiously loud. "And what are you supposed to be?"

"U-um...I'm Olaf...from Frozen." 

She and a couple of her zombie followers laughed harshly. "You're Olaf?"

"Um yeah. That's what I just said."

She laughed to the extent of snorting. "You look like an ugly marshmallow and I don't think the ugly is from the costume."

"W-well, you' look like a...a hooker."

"At least I'm not stuck with your face." She shoved me backwards.

I tried to regain balance, but my costume was too heavy. I topped onto the floor and stayed stuck, like a tortoise on it's shell. I frantically grasped the air, in the hope that I'd find something to help me up. 

Laughing faces stood over me, watching me struggle. My eyes pooled with tears and my vision clouded. I saw Herc push some people out of the way and help me up. He lead me out of my worst nightmare and sat me down on the steps outside. 

"Are you okay?"

"I suck."

"No you don't, Peggs. Those girls were just being mean. Who pushed you?"

"Martha." I sniffed. 

"Which one? There are so many."


"Yeah, well she's a right little biyotch. You're such a sweet, amazing person, honey."

"Yeah, but that's what I am. I'm sweet and soft and babyish. I've never done anything badass in my life!" I wiped my nose on my sleeve.

"Yes you have. Who beat up Burr that time he was bothering you?"

"I did." I smiled, remembering his bloody nose.

"Exactly. You're a Schuyler; you're invincible. You just bounce right back up again."

"Thanks Herc."


"Ugh, why am I always crying at parties?"

"Life sucks."

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