Chapter 23 - Thomas Jefferson can be kind

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Friday 14th September

Laf pov

"Come on Herc! He's been in there for THREE DAYS!!" I screeched at my boyfriend.

"Well, I'm not going in there!" He screeched back.

John hadn't eaten, washed or studied for the past few days. All he had done was sleep and cry and every time I tried to get him out, he yelled at me.

"Hercy, please!! You know he wont listen to me"

He glanced at the door and sighed "Fine"


He walked over and knocked. "John? It's Herc. Can I come in?"

"No! Leave me to wallow in the depths of despair!...Alone!"

"I'll take that as a yes" Herc muttered and pushed the door open.

Herc pov

"John, honey, you cant stay here forever" I murmured softly, sitting down on his bed.

"Leave me alone" His muffled voice said from under a pile of duvets.

"John" I pulled a duvet away so I could see his face " to me"

"I hate Alex for what he did...But I still love him" He sobbed "So so much" He added.

"Aw come here" I pulled him up and held him in my arms "Honey, your moms love you so much and we're worried about you. Just come of your room and we can talk and give you hugs"

"Is Alex there?" He mumbled into my shoulder

"No. I don't know where he is"

"Okay..." John said slowly.

"Change out of your sweatpants and have a shower and then we'll make you pancakes and give you hugs"

He smiled shyly "Okay"

I closed the door quietly and walked towards Laf.

"SUCSESS!!!!" I screamed.

"Whooooo!" Laf flung his arms around me

"You're welcome" Smiled at him.

"You're adorable" He smirked

"No you" I booped his nose.

"Ew moms! Get a room!" John giggled, walking into the room in jeans and his turtle hoodie.

"Did you have a shower?" I inquired.

"No, I'm just gonna go and have one"

"So we will get a room" I smirked at Laf. He pulled me closer and I kissed his nose.

"Ew! Stop!" John cried, racing towards the bathroom.

"Were you serious about...getting a room?" Laf asked, trailing his finger along my jaw.

"I was before I remembered that John has short showers and I promised pancakes"

"Oh" Laf looked at the floor.

"But who says we need a room?" I whispered.

He smiled "Maybe later, baby, I have some pancakes to make" And flounced to the kitchen.

"There is nothing I wouldn't do for this boy and he knows it" I muttered to myself.

Jefferson pov

Sharing a dorm with James was hard, especially when he invited the Schuylers (plus Maria) over to our dorm for a movie night. I was forced to watch him make out with Eliza the whole time. It tore my heart out. So one time, as he Schuylers were leaving I couldn't stop myself.

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