Chapter 45 - Cuz this is FILLER!!! Filler night!

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(A/N: Sorry it's mega late. I've just been really busy and I had no inspiration seeing as this story kinda sucks. If you get my spontaneous yet odd reference, you're even more awesome. Happy holidays!)

Tuesday 2nd November

John pov

"Could someone please tell me what the hell is wrong with our school?" I called out across the sea of expressionless faces. My voice echoed about the frozen gym.

"This isn't what the world should be like. Teenagers shouldn't be this messed up and kids sure as hell shouldn't be killed by their classmates. So, what is wrong with you?" I asked again.

The gym remained silent. Everyone was probably too terrified to speak. Most people didn't even show up today and those that did were piled into the gym for a compulsory assembly. The killer hadn't been caught so police officers roamed campus and metal detectors were placed at every door. No one else wanted to speak in the assembly, so I volunteered. 

"I hope whoever has caused this will turn themselves in for the good of every life at this school...Thank you." I stepped down from the podium and sat next to Alex.

He held my hand underneath the seat so nobody saw. 

(Timeskip brought to you by the flashing lights on my Christmas tree)

Monday 8th November

John pov

Soon everyone forgot about George King and the mystery murderer. Life seemed to pick back up and carry on. I didn't want to forget but, like everyone else, I had a life to get on with. 

Rehearsals for the school production began and 'I can't, I have rehearsal' became a frequently used phrase when making plans. Luckily for me, almost all of my friends were in the production, so I got to see them every day.

"Okay, from the top!" Mrs Washington yelled.

I walked back over to the bed constructed by the kids in engineering and sat down. The music began to play. We had already been over this a million times, but people kept messing about and it was getting on my nerves. Mrs Washington had already changed the lyrics to keep it more PG, so we could sell tickets to younger siblings and stuff.

"C-c-c-c'mon, c-c-c-c'mon, go, g-" I tried to begin, when a crash erupted from the side of the stage. 

Mrs Washington groaned and cut the music. "You're kidding, right?!"

Alex came storming out from the left wing. "Jefferson just shoved me into the props table!"

Thomas shrugged and walked out behind him. "Not my fault he's such a prick."

"I'm a prick?! Well, if I'm a prick, then you must be a right little bitc-"

"Shut up!" Martha yelled. "This is like the fifth time!! What happened? You guys used to be friends or boyfriends or something."

Jefferson retched. "Ew, who would want to be with that little street rat?"

I stood up and opened my mouth, but Alex had already jumped on him and the two were attacking each other on the floor.

"Okay, both of you can leave. Someone else will take your part from you." Washington decided.

They both froze. "I wont call him names anymore. Just don't take it away. I have a sick part." Alex pleaded.

"Yeah, I'll try to ignore him, no matter how much of an idiot he is." Thomas agreed. 

"Fine. But keep away from each other."

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