Chapter 19 - Ice skating

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(A/N: This is based on a REAL EXPERIENCE I had. I am completely and utterly John in this chapter (well, I'm always John but ya know). NEVER EVER TAKE ME ICE SKATING!!!!!! That was the most TERRIFYING experience of my entire life. I have been ice skating before (MANY TIMES), but I can never seem to get the hang of it ok bye)

Wednesday 12th September

Angelica pov

"GUYYYYSSSSS!!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!" I screamed to my sisters down the hallway.

Eliza rushed out of her room carrying a medical kit.

I sighed "Liza! They have medical kits there!"

"B-but what if they don't have extra gentle sponges for cleaning wounds?!" She cried

"Get your stuff and wait outside!" 

She pouted "Fine"


"I'm here. I'm here. Chill sis" She sashayed past me, wearing a bright yellow puffer jacket and carrying her boots.

"Peggy! Hurry up! Everyone's waiting for you!!"

"Okay okay!"

I closed the door to our dorm, picked up my boots and shoved my sisters out to the courtyard. Laf, Herc, John, Alex, Maria and James Madison were waiting by Herc's minivan and my car. I waved to them.

"Sorry we're so late" I glared at my sisters "Some people were too busy flapping about"


"Do we have to go?" Alex pleaded "I'm terrible. I've only been once before and I fell over 27 times in five minutes"

"Don't worry, we'll help you" Eliza smiled at him "Besides, John's awful too"

"Hey!...Yeah, I am"

"Cool" Herc smiled "Who's going in the van and who's in Angie's car?"

"Well we have nine-" I began

"Ten" Madison corrected me "I promised Thomas I'd let him come with us"

We all groaned.

"He's really nice when you get to know him"

"I'm sure he is" I said sarcastically. I didn't really know how I felt about Thomas. I kinda had a mini crush on him but I was sure it was just a phase. I was just feeling lonely because everyone else had a boyfriend/girlfriend.

"I'm driving the minivan" Herc said "So whoever wants to go with me can come over here"

"I CALL SHOTGUN!!" Screeched Laf

"Laf, no one else was gonna call shotgun" John deadpanned.

"I was just making it clear for everyone"

"So that's two in the van. I'll take five more. Three in the middle and two in the back" Herc yawned.

"I'll sit with James and Thomas in the middle" Eliza spoke up.

"I'm in the back with Maria!!" Peggy squealed.

"Which leaved me with lams" I sighed.

"What did you call us?" Alex snorted

"Lams. It's your ship name"

"W-we're not together!" he chuckled nervously, glancing at Laf.

"Whatever. Get in"

A wild Jefferson appeared and everyone filed into the van except Alex and John, who sat next to each other in the back of my car.

I pulled out of the parking lot and turned round to them.

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