Chapter 8 - Gotta love filler chapters

113 6 15

Tuesday 2nd September

Peggy pov

Eliza and I sat in our apartment, waiting for Angie, Alex, John, and Herc so we could go shopping. After an hour or so, Angie came back, with a terrified-looking Laf behind her. Herc beckoned for Eliza to go out of the room with him and Laf and Angie sat down in silence.

"What are Herc and Liza doing?" I asked

"Discussing their relationship in the cafe" Angie replied bluntly


"Because I told Herc to talk to her"

"Forced" Laf coughed

"What was that?" Angie turned to him. He stood up.

"I said you-"

"Ya know, I don't think, starting a fight is the right choice right now, Laf. I mean you're not Alex" I hissed.

Laf sat down and we silence took hold of the room.

"Where are John and Alex?" I said eventually.

"Not here" Laf observed

"What a revelation! I had no idea". Laf rolled his eyes. "Can I go now?"

"Laf can; you can't" 

"Whaaaaaaat??? That's not faaaaaaair"

"Shut up Peggy"

I pouted and crossed my arms. I looked longingly at the door. Suddenly I had an idea.

I screamed "YEET" and ran for the door. I was too quick for Angie, so she didn't catch me.

I laughed and ran along the corridor to 1776. The door was open so I walked right in. I stepped on John's phone on the way in.

'Oops, broke it...Meh, I'll just blame Laf'

I stepped into the living room and looked around. It was empty and dead silent. That was weird - usually, the place to be was the loudest dorm.

"Helloooooo? Children? Anybody home?" I called, my voice shattering the silence.

Nobody replied, so I popped my head into each bedroom, searching for signs of life.

I was crouching down to look under the sofa when I heard a snuffle from the bathroom. I tiptoed over, hoping to scare whoever was in there.

I failed.

I slammed open the door and yelled "WHAT UP FU-" before I got shushed by Alex.

"Alex what are you-" I hissed. I saw John in his arms. "Awwwwwww!! You guyyyyysss" 

"No. Shut up Peggy. It's not like that-"

"But you wish it was! AWWWWWWW!!"

"Peggy! SHUT UP!! He was trying to...cut himself"

I was speechless. John wasn't like that! He had a great life. He wouldn't...he couldn't. I saw the worry in Alex's eyes.

"Help me put him on his bed" I instructed and I picked up John's feet. Alex took his arms and we managed to get him to his bed. 

"Don't tell the others about...John" Alex looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I won't" 

Surprisingly, John stayed asleep. He must have been absolutely exhausted. I pushed his bouncy hair away from his face and walked towards the door, expecting Alex to follow, but instead, Alex sat on the chair next to his bed and held his hand.

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