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Third person pov

Will and Laf had been arguing for weeks and Laf was done with it. Just before their trip, Laf broke up with him and went with Herc instead. Impulsively, they decided to get married whilst they were away and Herc didn't walk out of that one. Of course everyone was mad that they weren't invited and so many people rolled their eyes and said they'd never last. 

But they did and they celebrated their 10 year anniversary with a smug smile on their faces.

Liam made up with John. After everything he did, John was reluctant at first; but he began to realise that Liam was a different person now. Liam didn't get back together with Jem. They really did love each other, but it got complicated and so they decided it was for the best. Liam found a new boyfriend (coincidentally called Zayn), six moths later, who eventually married him.

Jem eventually discovered that he was in fact bisexual and got married to a girl who joined his precinct a year after Liam broke up with him. 

Eliza's charity, which she renamed The Madison Fund, raised millions of dollars for under 18s who are in desperate need of help and/or a hug. She was named the kindest woman in the world after travelling across the globe, setting up orphanages and homes for children with disablilities. 

Anna and Eliza got married as soon as they graduated from university and adopted a little baby called Skye a few years later. Eliza taught Skye french, whilst Anna taught her to love herself and her body. Skye grew up to be a human rights activist as well as fighting for gender equality. In her later years, she became the first female president.

Peggy and Maria got married a little while later and adopted a son called Tom. Tom likes power rangers. 

Maria purused a career in singing and sold millions of albums. She went on three tours all over the world, but still calls herself an indie singer.

Unfortunately, Samuel Seabury never recovered, but Charles Lee visited him every day in hospital until the day he died. His funeral was well attended despite his actions. His death caused Lee to do something wothwhile with his life and Charles devoted his life to the Madison fund. When Eliza went abroad, he was put in charge and became the manager of the New York branch.

Angelica and Thomas had their baby and after several arguments and a mental breakdown (from Thomas), named her Grace Rosanna Jefferson. She goes by Grace and is a sassy little macaroni.

George Washington died before he could become president, but Alex promised that he wouldn't be forgotten. Alex became a lawyer and worked in the same building as Jefferson. Their disputes were unending, but they managed to work well together even so.

John got a job at the aquarium, which turned out to be nausiatingly dull. So he dumped it and got a job as an art teacher at a high school. He spent most of his time, however, looking after their son  - Philip -  and their dog (which they called Homo - I told you they would). 

*20 years after graduation*

They all sat around the marble countertop of John and Alex's expensive-looking home. With the children in bed, the squad and their spouses (yes, all 12 of them) sat talking and drinking in Lams' dimly-lit kitchen.

They had all kept in touch with one another, but there hadn't been a proper reunion with all of them until now. 

John clinked a spoon against his glass. "Right. I would like to give a toast."

"To what?" Alex asked him, looking confused.

"Well...to...this. This is pretty awesome, so raise a glass to this!" He shrugged.

"That's a terrible toast. Sit down, hun." Alex flapped his arms at John.

"You try, then!" John pouted and slumped down in his seat.

"I would like to raise a glass to having such wonderful friends. But I know everyone has something different to say, so lets go around and say something each. John? Don't say this again."

"Um...to a husband who isn't a control freak." He teased.

Peggy cheered. "That's a great one, Johnno."

"Hey!!" Alex slapped John's arm lightly.

"I would like to raise a glass to college because that train wreck of an education helped me meet great people." Herc beamed at the people crammed around the worktop. 

"To college!" Everyone yelled slightly too enthusiastically.

"Raise a glass to american coffee!!" Laf, who was definitely not drunk, giggled.

"To coffee!"

"Raise a glass to kids, those nightmares are really awesome when they grow up a bit." Angie assured us. She was the only one with a child over the age of 18, so she could tell us that for sure.

"To kids!"

"Raise a glass to idiots," Said Thomas "because without them, John would never have found love." He threw a smirk over to Alex.

Alex smacked him acros the table.

"To idiots!"

"Like Thomas!" Alex added.

"Raise a glass to weddings!" Eliza pecked Anna's forehead.

"To weddings!!"

"Raise a glass to flowers." Anna smiled.

"To flowers!"

"Raise a glass to Mari's singing career!!" Peggy squealed.

"I'm not that big." Maria insisted, blushing profusely.

"To Maria being famous!" Everyone chorused, earning a small smile from her.

"Alright, then." She chuckled. "Raise a glass to Peggy's new clothing line, which will be available in stores next week!"

"To Peggy's clothing line!!"

"Why the fuck are we doing this?" Angie asked after a few seconds.

"Hey!! That's a quarter to the swear jar!" John scolded, his mom insticts kicking in.

"Shit, crap, bitch." She said and dropped in a dollar. "Sorry, I don't have any change."

"In answer to your question," Peggy said. "We are trying to say how thankful we are before we get wasted."

"Great." Angie rolled her eyes."

"Raise a glass to forgiveness." Liam said, shooting a meaningful look at John.

"To forgiveness!"

"Um...Raise a glass to people you met an hour ago." Zayn smiled round at us.

"TO PEOPLE YOU MET AN HOUR AGO!!" We all screamed as that was the last one. Everyone tipped back their glasses in a not so graceful manner.

"Guys, we're like forty." Eliza chuckled.

"Don't tell Thomas that!" Angie smirked.

(A/N: So I feel like that was a nice lil ending. There was going to be a sequel, but I'm afraid there won't be anymore. Just assume they all had nice lives. I'm writing three other books, so be sure to check out whichever one I publish first. I don't think I'll write any more hamilton books, but I'm writing a larry fic and two of my own creations. If you like fantasy be sure to check out Hearts, Clubs, Spades and Diamonds when it comes out. And if you're into funny, but philosophical style books (like John Green I guess), be sure to check out Blue Moonlight when and if it comes out. I'm not really sure about it yet.

I really really hope you've enjoyed this book and I apologise profoundly for never sticking to my publishing time.

I hope you have an awesome day.

~Eliza xx)

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