Chapter 12 - Maria

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(A/N: Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Maria is pronounced 


rather than 


Cuz everyone keeps saying different things. So just to clarify, in this book, it's mar-eye-a, cuz that's how Lin pronounces it)

Saturday 7th September (still)

Peggy pov

I cuddled with Maria whilst watching films with her, Liza and Madison. At about 11 pm, I drifted off to sleep in her arms. I smelt her sweet, comforting scent and buried my face in her soft hair. 

It was all gone too soon.

Sunday 8th September

I woke up feeling strange. Like a weird sense of dread had settled over me. It took me a few minutes to figure out where I was, but then I still felt like something was missing. I looked around for a few seconds before realising. Maria was gone.

Laf pov

I opened my eyes and attempted to sit up. Suddenly, pain seared through my skull and pounded in my ears. I groaned.

"Are you ok?" Herc came sprinting into the room.

"Ack. Too much movement. Why are there two of you?"

"Oh sorry" He sat down next to me with a bowl of soup "Have some"

"What am I doing here?"

"Last night you were a were really drunk so I took you home"

"Oh sorry"

"It's ok, baby"

I ate some soup. It was nice. 

"What day is it?"


"Oh. That means we don't have to go to class"

"Yeah" He put his arm around me.

I leaned into him and put my arms around his neck.


I looked up "Sorry, John"

"That's diiiiiiiiiisgusting"

"John, are you ok? You're acting a bit weird"

"I have no idea. I remember being drunk and kissing someone. I think I'm just excited cuz I know who I kissed"

I lifted my head too fast and resulted in an even worse headache "Ow. Who?"

He kneeled down beside us and squealed quietly "Alex!"

"Wow, that's amazing!" Herc said

I didn't say anything. I knew who John actually kissed, I wasn't very drunk when they kissed. 



"I don't think you kissed Alex"


You should have seen how his face fell. It killed me. How his eyes grew wide and filled with tears. How his lip quivered. I couldn't possibly tell him that his literal dreams weren't real. That would crush him.

"I think you made out with Alex!"

His face lifted and he beamed widely. He gave a small delighted squeal.

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