Chapter 48 - He will, he won't

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Thursday 23rd December

Liam pov

I stood anxiously outside café rouge. It was five to two and I was wondering whether to go inside or not. I didn't want to be early but I didn't want to be too late. I had never been on a proper date before so I was practically shaking with nerves. I peeked in the window and saw him sitting at a table. My heart leapt to my mouth and I squeaked excitedly, before deciding to go in. I took a deep breath and walked through the double doors.

He looked up and smiled. "Hi. You're early. I thought you'd be late, seeing as you were half an hour late for your questioning." 

I grinned. "Well, unlike that, this actually matters to me."

He laughed. "Good to know we have a reliable source for our case."

"Can we talk about something other than that? I want to know you. Not officer Blake."

"Okay." He stuck his hand out in an adorable manner. "Hi, I'm Jem."

I chuckled and shook his hand. "Hey, Jem. I'm Liam."

"I live in a one bedroom apartment near here. I live there with my cat and the voices in my head. I enjoy baking, swimming and binge watching Netflix. My favourite shows are comedies and rom coms like Brooklyn 99 and Love Actually. I'm a hopeless romantic. I like reading as well I guess. I don't like other sports and I really hate overheating."

"That last one must be very annoying for you because you're so insanely hot." I smirked.

His cheeks turned bright red. "U-um..."

"I'm Liam. I like videogames, Netflix, skateboarding and football. I've been called a gay jock in my past because of my interests. I don't like girls or myself. I live in a spare dorm by myself at college because I bullied one of my roommates. And I guess that's why I hate myself..." I trailed off.

He was silent for a second. "Why did you bully him?"

"It's really stupid. But I had a huge crush on him and I kissed him and he rejected me because he had a boyfriend. And at the time, my dad had just kicked me out, so I had serious anger issues and I thought the rejection was because of me or something I did. And basically I was just so mad that I thought I could get him to like me or some crap like that. I totally understand if you don't want me anymore."

"Liam, I work with people so much more messed up than you. Maybe what you did was wrong, but how could you control it? When you have anger issues, it's almost impossible to control your actions when you get mad. It's not your fault."

"Thanks. I'm seeing a therapist. She's really amazing."

"Well, I'm glad you've turned yourself around."

"I haven't really. I'm still the same person. He'll still hate me forever."

"Um...Maybe he won't." He suggested.

"He will." 

Eliza pov


I looked up from my phone. "Laf, I'm pretty sure you're not old enough to drink."

"But what about the mulled wine?"

I sighed. "Okay, I'll make some mulled wine, but with 50 percent less alcohol."

"What else are you gonna put in it?" John appeared from his room. His hair was really messed up, which was weird seeing as it was the middle of the day.

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