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(A/N: Get it? It's a joke...If you don't get it, you should be ashamed.)

Saturday 30th October

Laf pov

Eliza stormed out, Angie went after her, Peggy, Maria and Anna ate all of the spare cake, Alex and Thomas argued, John tried to comfort me, Herc didn't turn up.

I believed in him. I think John did too. The others did not.

"Oh, so it's my fault now?!" Alex growled.

"Yeah, it is actually your fault." Thomas taunted. "If you weren't so stupid, you wouldn't have left him alone...But I know you can't help but be an idiot, so-"


"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" Thomas goaded.

"THAT IS IT!!" Alex screamed and ran at Thomas with fire in his eyes.

Thomas smirked and stuck his arm out pressing his hand into Alex's forehead, leaving the angry gremlin furiously swiping and punching at the air. Thomas yawned and checked his nails whilst Alex went red in the face with effort.

"Okay, that's enough, guys." John got up and pulled them apart.

"Hey! I was just about to get him!" Alex whined.

"Oh right, so all that time, you were just warming up." 

"Yes, that's exactly what I was doing." lied Alex, trying to regain some of his pride.

"Sure. Thomas go and sit next to Laf, Alex sit with me."

"Wait so you're making us sit apart from each other?" Thomas snickered.

"Yes. It's funny how you two manage to act like three-year-olds and adults at the same time." I grumbled and split them up.

"Hey..." Alex cooed and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Hi..." We'd done this hundreds of times, but he still made my heart flutter and my cheeks turn red.

He looked over to see if Laf was watching, before placing a kiss on my cheek. "I love you." I murmured.

"I lo-...Who is that?" Alex breathed, staring at some girl who had just walked into the hall.

"Wow. I'm right here you know." I snapped, hurt and irritated.

He ignored my comment and leapt towards her. "Hey there, are you lost?"

Alex pov

"Oh, no I'm here for my brother's wedding." She replied with a thick French accent.

"Tu dois être la belle sœur de Lafayette." I flirted in French.

She giggled. "Oh, monsieur, vous êtes très charmant...Mais you must always use the vous form, when addressing a stranger."

  "Well then, we'd better get to know each other-" I smirked.

"ADRIENNE!!!" An excited cry rose up from behind me, stopping my flirt fest in it's tracks.

"GILBERT!!!!" She screamed and raced up to her brother. They hugged and then began chattering in French.

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to John. I tried to put my head on his shoulder, but he nudged it off and turned away from me.

"Hey, Laf can't see us. It's fine." I told him.

"Is it though?" He snapped.

"What do you mean?"

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