Chapter 6 - Washington contemplating life

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Alex pov

A few yards down our path, Laf spotted a hunched-over figure in the distance. We rushed over to them. It was too dark to see the person's face but I got the strangest feeling as we came closer. All of a sudden, they collapsed on the floor.

"Are you ok?" Laf fretted, as we neared them.

They had cuts and bruises all over their face but curly hair covered their eyes. I pushed their straggly hair out of their face. I gasped and tears filled my eyes.

"John..." I whispered, my voice breaking.

Laf picked him up and carried him back to Herc's car. I sniffed and Laf looked over at me with a worried expression. I didn't care. I just kept crying. We called the others and they came running.

"IS HE OK?!" Peggy squeaked.

"He'll be fine after some rest and a couple of plasters." Laf told them. 

Peggy saw me crying and put an arm around me. I liked Peggy; she didn't ask questions. She led me back to Herc's car and I sat in the back.

Laf lay John across the middle seat and I hugged him tightly. Angie gave me a weird look but Peggy slapped her away. I didn't care though. I stroked John's hair and held on to him. I didn't care if the others thought I was weird. I didn't care if he was weirded out in the morning. I just wanted him to be safe. I was gonna kill whoever did this to him.

I wanted to stay with him, but Herc made me go to sleep; he knew how little I slept. So, I went back to my room, but when I was sure Herc and Laf had gone to sleep, I snuck back beside him. I sat next to his bed and stroked his hair. I just wanted him to be ok.

Tuesday 2nd September

John pov

I woke up in my own bed, dazed and confused.

All of a sudden, I remembered everything that had happened the day before. I must have been out for hours because it was only lunchtime when Jefferson knocked me out. I was angry that no one had helped me sooner, I was right in the middle of the path and yet no one had the heart to even see what was up.

I looked over to see Alex asleep on the chair next to my bed. He was wearing the same clothes as the previous day and his hair was scraggly and knotted. 

'He must have stayed here the whole night' I thought.

I got out of bed slowly and quietly so I didn't wake him. He looked absolutely shattered and had dark circles under his eyes. I crept into the kitchen where I was ambushed by a Laf-hug. 

"Oh mon Dieu! Are you ok mon petit bebe? Who did this?!"

"The Jefferson and his friends."  I grumbled, pushing Laf away.

"When I find those little-" Herc began but I cut him off.

"No. Don't do a thing. They're not worth it."

"John!" Laf scolded. "Have some more self worth! For what they did to you, you should be-"

"I'm serious! If I find out that any of you have been harassing them, I will find you. Understood?!"

"Understood." They muttered.

Laf hugged me again and stroked my hair - like Alex always seems to do. Maybe it wasn't a romantic gesture after all. Maybe Alex just thought of me as a friend that he wants to look out for.

"Boys are stupid" Laf sighed, interrupting my thoughts.


"Boys. Ya know. They think they're so tough and they beat you up and say mean stuff and that's just stupid" He explained.

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