Chapter 30 - Say yes

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(A/N: This is a fluffy little chapter and I like it for once. So don't diss it even when it makes you cringe)

Monday 17th September

Herc pov

I tossed and turned in my bed, wondering what to do. Whether I should propose or wait. There was no point me even trying to sleep. 

Eventually, I decided to go to Laf's room, just to see him. I didn't want to wake him so I opened the door quietly and tip toed to his bed.

I looked at his adorable little face. He was smiling and that melted my heart. It made me even more worried that he'd say no.

"I know you're way too good for me, but, will you- No that's terrible" I fretted over what I was gonna say for the fiftieth time "I don't deserve you, but- No, tacky...Will you be my love- No ew..." 

I took a deep breath "Speak from the heart" I muttered "Lafayette...where to start? Your hair has perfection in every curl. Your eyes are the reason I live. I wouldn't replace you for all of the world. Will you take the ring that I give...Damn, now I'm writing poetry. But I promise it's from my heart. I love you more than words can maybe I'll stop talking. But, Laffy, baby, I want to spend the rest of my life with you...Will you marry me?" I looked at his unmoving face and sighed "You cant even hear me. I'll ask you another day...when I work up the courage. I just want you to know that I couldn't get through the day without you and that you deserve all the love in the universe...Hah, you make me so nervous. I'm so worried that I'll mess up and lose you forever...Maybe it's cuz I don't know how I got you. You are so far out of my leauge that I never once thought that one day you'd be my boyfriend...Perhaps this will be like one of those letters, addressed to you but not meant to be sent. This is my love letter to you. I wish I had your confidence. I would be able to ask you to marry me and not care that it might be too early...So, will you marry me? This is as far as I'll get until I find the courage to ask you in person"

He stirred slightly in his sleep, so I kissed his forehead gently and walked out of his room closing the door softly.

Tuesday 18th September

Alex pov

We were all sitting in the kitchen at the Schuyler's fancy marble breakfast table, eating cereal and toast. Peggy had even found some waffles and was heating them up. 

I sat across from John. Whenever we made eye contact, it was either really awkward or we couldn't stop laughing. No one seemed to notice except Herc, who gave us a confused look and we stared down at our plates smiling.

After breakfast, Herc pulled me to one side, where no one could hear us.

"Care to explain?"

"Um...I...Uh...I slept with John"

"Yeah, you always sleep in the same bed"

I gave him a look.

"Oh! Oh...damn...Well done, buddy!" He laughed. It was a sufficiently awkward.

"That was weird." I told him.

"I know...I didn't really know what to say."

"Okay." We stood in awkward silence for a moment.

"Last night?"


"Right after Laf told you not to date John?"

"Yup" I smirked, feeling like a badass.

"You were...quiet"

"They must have pretty thick walls here cuz we were not quiet"

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