Chapter 42 - The Answer to Life the Universe and Everything

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Sunday 31st October

Peggy pov

After seven hours of planning, screaming and sewing, I had finally captured my very essence in one Halloween costume. No, I wasn't going as a bee like everyone told me. I was going as the most important Disney character in the entire universe.

Olaf the snowman.

John pov

I wasn't dressing up. I didn't even know if I'd go to the party; I wasn't in the mood to see Alex, or Herc, or anyone. I just wanted to cry alone in my room.

In short, my week had been pretty shit.

I had been in a car crash, lost my memory, fallen out with one of my best friends, my birthday had been forgotten and I had broken up with my boyfriend. 

So yeah, I had a reason to stay at home.

Eliza pov

I wasn't that fussed what I wore to the party. I usually just did whatever Peggy told me to dress up as, but last year was the last straw.

Don't ask the details, but Peggy went as a chicken; I went as an egg. A freaking egg.

Angie usually dressed up in something not exactly scary, but let's just say it was pretty drop-dead. 

I wished I could do that. I wished I could walk into a room and all eyes would fall on me. It wasn't because I wanted someone to love me or think I was pretty. It's just that I had never really been the centre of attention before. I wanted to know what it felt like.

John wanted me to make up with Anna. I didn't want to. It wasn't that I didn't love her...I just wanted to help myself realize that I didn't need anyone. I was so much stronger than that, but I had no idea.

I wanted to make sure Thomas was okay, so I stopped by his dorm on my way back from the café.

I knocked quietly. "Thomas?"

I heard uneven footsteps, then the latch. The door opened and a gust of smoke flurried into my face.

I spluttered. "Thomas?"

"Ohhhh! Heyyyyyyyy!" He cried, joint in hand.

I stepped back a little. "Thomas are you...smoking weed?!"

"I don't even know anymore." He giggled. "Come in."

"I don't know if I want t-"

He pulled me along the corridor. "Thomas, where did you get that?"

"Grocery store."

"Wha-? No you didn't."

"Oh...I'm sure I did...That's where I got the carrots."

"What ca-...oh."

He opened the door to his kitchen. The table was piled with little pieces of carrot, chopped into circles.

"I'm making a carrot farm." He explained.


"You wanna help?" He cut me off.

Ten minutes later, we were both high as a kite and chopping carrots, for no apparent reason. We went to the store and bought loads of cheese even though neither of us liked cheese that much. It was fun.

Angie pov

"Being pregnant sucks!" I yelled for the fifth time at no one in particular. 

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