Chapter 3 : Movie Night

165 7 24

Sunday 31 August

Laf pov

Less than a minute after Alex had gone to his room, none other than John Laurens stepped through the door.

"Hey laf, I got pizza for movie night tonight and-"

I attacked him with a bear hug.

"Laf! Wh-?"

"You will not BELIEVE who our new roommate is!!"


"Guess" I grinned at him mischievously


"Fine! If you don't want to know.."

"NO! I want to know".

"Well go find out then," I said, sweeping open Alex's door and pushing John through.

I smiled happily, thinking I was helping old friends meet up again.

I heard pizza boxes fall to the floor and a muffled 'sorry'. Then there was an awkward silence so I helped by stage whispering "Just say hi". John kicked the door but obediently said hi. Next followed a conversation I couldn't hear. Damn these thick walls!

A few minutes later, a red-faced John emerged from Alex's room and flopped down on the sofa.

"SO ARE YOU GUYS BESTIES AGAIN?!" I bounced up and down.

"Dude, we literally just said hi. And what do you mean besties? I've only seen him once before in my life."

I crinkled my nose with visible confusion and stared into space. "Intresting...That's veeeeerrryyy intresting."

"Dude, are you ok?"

"Yup! I'm fine!" I wheezed. He looked at me, worried, for a second and then walked over to the kitchen to put the pizzas in the minifridge. Then he walked back to his room slowly and calmly.

But as soon as the door closed, I heard happy screeches and what sounded suspiciously like a happy dance.

What the heck was going on here?

Alex pov

I the cold crept up my arms as I typed away busily on my laptop. I went to pull my jumper over my shoulders, but it wasn't there. I looked everywhere around the dorm for it but I still couldn't find it.

"Guys I'm just gonna go look for my sweatshirt. I must have dropped it when Jefferson pushed me." I called out. I didn't really know if anyone heard me, but whatever.

I absentmindedly wandered down some stairs and out into a courtyard, scanning the terrain. I spotted a black shape on the ground and moved towards it.

It was my sweatshirt. 'Oh thank lin!'  I would have frozen without it.

I grabbed it from the floor where I had fallen and went to head up to my room. That was when I realised I had no idea where I was. I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts, I couldn't remember which way I had come.

 A friendly looking guy in a dark purple sweater-vest walked past.

He looked older. Maybe he was a senior or a young professor. 

"P-pardon me, sir, do you know where room 1776 is?" I mumbled. He turned.

"Yeah it's just down that way" he pointed "first door on the left" 

"Oh, thankyou thankyou thankyou I don't know what I could have possibly done without your help. You see I was heading up to my dorm - minding my own business -  when I got shoved over by this Jefferson dude, who by the way should not be allowed at this school, and he threw me against a wall for no reason and-" I waffled, happy for an excuse to talk to someone.

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