Chapter 46 - Let it snow

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Monday 20th December

Laf pov

I payed and then handed a coffee to Will. He smiled and we walked to the cosy table in the corner.

"So how was your day, hun?" He inquired sweetly. He always asked how my day had gone and got upset whenever it hadn't gone so well.

"It was good. I didn't really do anything..."

He took a sip of coffee and looked out the frosted window.

I had finally decided to make up with Herc a few days before, but I hadn't told Will yet. I decided now was the time. "Oh yeah, I just remembered, I went bowling with Herc."

He put down his coffee cup and a weird look came over his face. "You did what?"

I was confused and a little scared. "O-oh...d-did I not tell you?...Um...Herc and I have been planning this for weeks."

He sensed my fear and the stern look was drained from his face. "Oh...I would have wanted to join you."

"Well, I'll book another spot whenever you're next-"

"No, I don't want to do that." He interrupted me angrily. "It won't be the same because you've already done that with Hercules so it wont be romantic anymore!"

"Will...Are you jealous of Herc?"

His face softened. "...A little..."

"Aww. Baby, Herc's just my friend. He has nothing compared to you."


"Really." I smiled lovingly and kissed his forehead.

We finished our drinks and walked hand in hand out into the courtyard. Suddenly, I felt something cold on my nose.

"What the...?" I looked up into the sky to see a sprinkling of little, powdered crystals of ice dancing along the breeze; a ballet in the daytime apricity.

"IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, alerting the people around us.

Will laughed. "Why are you so happy about that?"

"I love snow!! Don't you?!"

"Meh...Well, I'm originally from Alaska, so it's kinda normal for me."

"Well, come on!! We have to tell everyone!!!"

"Honey, I think they'll know. They do have eyes."


"I know."



I squealed and raced up the stairs to my dorm, almost knocking over Maria and Anna on my way up, to tell everyone about the snow.

Maria pov

I leapt back as Laf zoomed past, yelling something about majestic beauty.

", back to what I was saying." I laughed and turned back to her.

"Yeah, carry on."

"I feel like the others are being kinda rude. Like, no one even talks to you except Angie who just constantly yells at you."

"Yeah, it's okay. I don't care what any of them think about me. I just wish Liza would notice me again."

"You really love her, don't you?"

"So much. What should I do to make her notice me?"

"You could borrow my red dress if you want." I suggested.

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