• Twenty Seven •

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Wooseok was sat down in a small, sort of fancy restaurant, his family laughing and talking together. They had taken away his phone, saying he had to actually be there with them. He had rolled his eyes, saying they should actually be there also. His mother and father stood up, saying they were going to go get some food from a small bar.

He sat in silence for a moment, before his grandmother turned to him. "So, Wooseok, hows the football team?" he rolled his eyes, looking at them.

"It's soccer, not football." they scoffed.

"Same thing. You both run, soccers just not the important one." he looked down, picking at the table. He wished he'd never had gone.

"Are you and...that one boy still together?" he looked at them again.

"He's got a name." they sighed, shrugging.

"Didn't think it was important to remember." he had to mentally calm himself down.

"No, we aren't together anymore." saying it out loud sort of make his own heart break. They both agreed to drop the fake dating, since they were now able to hang out together without screaming at the other.

They laughed, shaking their heads. "I told you he couldn't commit to something." he tried to ignore what they were saying. His grandmother cleared her throat, looking at him. "Well, i guess that's good. I didn't really like him anyways." he furrowed his brows.

"You what?" they glanced at him.

"I didn't like him." he scoffed.

"Why not?" they laughed, leaning closer.

"The boy practically screamed messed up. Who wears all black?" he looked at them like they were crazy.

"Messed up?" they nodded.

"He looked like he came from a bad home. I don't want you hanging around him." he narrowed his eyes as they laughed.

"How could you say that?" they stopped laughing to look at him.

"Say what?" he scoffed again. He opened his mouth to say something, but his parents were already sitting back down. They looked between them, furrowing their brows.

"What's wrong?" his mother asked. He rolled his eyes, looking away.

"Your son." he snapped his head to them.

"What did he do now?" he watched them, wondering what lie they would try to sell.

"He's disrespectful." he scoffed, shaking his head.

"Wow, you are so unbelievable." they all looked at him.

"Wooseok-" he shook his head.

"You wonder why i don't like to spend time with you, well this is why." they raised their brows.

"What did you say?" his father asked.

"They're talking bad about Yuto." his mother looked at him.

"Who?" he scoffed again.

"The one i brought to dinner that one time." they tried to remember, when it finally clicked in their head.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about him." he rolled his eyes. His grandmother leaned over to talk to her.

"They broke up." his mother looked at him.

"You did?" he nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. He really wished he could have stayed somewhere else. Maybe even Hyojongs.

"Well, i mean...i didn't like him either." he looked up at them.

"And why not?" she shrugged.

"I just...you two didn't fit together. He looked like he was from...somewhere bad. I don't want my son to associate himself with that." he looked at them with a scrunched up face.

"Where do you get that he comes from a bad home?" they shrugged.

"Well, he didn't even eat that night. And the way he talked...he had a funny way of it." he laughed sourly.

"He didn't eat that night, because he promised his little sister he'd eat whatever she had made for him." they looked at him. "And he's from Japan. That's why he has a funny way of talking." his mother opened his mouth to apologize, but he shook his head.

"If you two are done, why are you so offensive?" he rolled his eyes, standing up.

"Just because we broke up, doesn't mean we aren't friends." his father grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?" he looked down at him.

"I don't want to sit here and listen to you make fun of me." his father laughed softly.

"We never made fun of you." he glared down at him.

"You don't even know the right name for the sport i play." he opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He nodded, pulling his arm away.

"Where are you going?" he continued walking without saying anything. He got into his car, deciding to spend the night with Hyojong instead. When he knocked on the small boys door, he looked up at him confused.

"Wooseok?" he nodded. "What's wrong?" he sighed, looking down.

"My parents." he sighed, opening the door for him. He knew how they were. He ended up laying on his floor, curled up with a fuzzy green blanket around him and a stuffed animal in his hands. Hyojong was on the bed, watching him carefully.

"Why didn't you go to Yutos?" he sighed, turning to lay on his side.

"I don't know." Hyojong furrowed his brows, turning to look at him.

"Is there something going on?" he sighed, shaking his head. Hyojong raised his brow, a small knowing smile appearing on his face. "So then why are you here?" Wooseok looked up at him, chewing on his bottom lip.

"Hyo, can i ask you something?" he nodded, laughing at the nickname the taller had given to him a long time ago. "How did you know Hwitaek was the one?" he looked up at him. Hyojong sighed, a soft smile appearing on his face. Wooseok tried not to say anything to give what he wanted to say away.

"Ugh..." he laughed, laying back with his pillow. "I don't know. When he hit me with his baseball bat just because i said i didn't think i was good enough." Wooseok chuckled. The two of them had been together for almost two years now, and honestly Wooseok had dreamed of having a relationship like theirs.

They were always fighting, but after a while, they would go back to the cute couple they always had been. They've had several breakups over the years, but they somehow found themselves together again. It was like the universe was holding them together. "Why? What's up?" he shook his head. Hyojong looked at him like he was an idiot.

"You've fallen for Yuto." he simply said. Wooseok's eyes widened, and his cheeks heated up.

"Wha-no. I haven't. I would never-"

"Wooseok, shut the hell up. It's all over your face." he sighed, looking down. Hyojong climbed off the bed to lay next to him. "You have, haven't you?" he nodded slowly. Hyojong smiled widely, hugging him. Wooseok laughed, pushing him away.

"Hey, nothing going to happen though." he furrowed his brows.

"Why not?" Wooseok sighed, looking up at his ceiling.

"Because i don't think he likes me back." Hyojong glared at him. Wooseok only raised his brow. "What?" Hyojong scoffed.

"You're an idiot." he gasped.

"Hey!" they play fought, until they ran out of breath. They collapsed where they were supposed to sleep, Hyojong turning to him.

"He likes you too." he rolled his eyes, shaking his head and turning over to sleep.

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