Who is This Kid? -2

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An alternate perspective :3

"How's it look?" Grian stood back and admired his handiwork.

"Wow... And you built this in one afternoon? Amazing!" Mumbo praised the humble rustic house Grian had made. It was single-story, but spacious, with a friendly flower garden out front and animals out back.

"Aw shucks! Now that I'm done, we can start on the real work!" Grian rubbed his hands together.

"Ah, about that Gri. I thought maybe Xisuma could help me with the redstone, since you built the whole house." Mumbo smoothed his tie nervously.

"I don't mind! The house was easy, and I wanna help you!"

X soared down between the two with two shulker boxes and a grin. "Let's get started!"

"Yeah!" Without hesitation Grian grabbed big handfuls of supplies and ran into the house.

"I thought you said he wasn't helping?" X turned nervously to Mumbo, who returned the stare.

"He won't help, but he's gonna try," Mumbo whispered.

"Oh boy..." X laughed and shook his head. The pair picked up the shulker boxes and headed to the front door, which suddenly started flicking open and closed rapidly. When Mumbo reached for the doorknob it flicked his hand away.

"Grian! Did you do this?!" Mumbo yelled over the loud door.

"Yeah! I'm so good at redstone, Npg will never get out of here!" Grian shouted from inside.

"Then how will you get out?" X asked with a smirk.

A pause. "...oh yeah. Don't worry I'll fix it!"

There was some shuffling, and the door thankfully held still. X and Mumbo hurried inside, before the door flicked again. "I thought you turned it off!"

"I turned the tick waaay down, so it won't be as loud!" Grian smiled as the door flicked again.

Mumbo just shook his head. "Alright X, let's start in the closet." Mumbo led X to the back room, and Grian trailed after them. "Do you think we could hook up a camera in the corner, like ConCorp?"

X nodded, poking his head into the closet. "Yeah, there would be enough room for wiring behind this wall, as long as you're alright sending the feed to your base."

"That's fine, I doubt we'll have much trouble if he can't open doors."

"Perfect. I'll start hooking up the dish outside, you poke some holes in the wall for us." X snatched a box of redstone on his way out, and Mumbo set to work.

"What can I do?"

Mumbo jumped a mile. "Grian! I forgot you were here! Ah, I think me and X have it covered, you can go home." Mumbo smiled as wide as he could.

"Oh. I thought we could do a project together, but if you and X have it covered I can go..." Grian dropped his head and slowly shuffled his feet to the door.

"...Fine! Fine. How about... Getting us lunch?"

"Yes! I won't let you down!" Grian, thrilled to be a help, bolted out the door, slipping on the hallway rug.

Mumbo heaved a sigh. "And now, I can redstone."

Not five minutes later, Grian sprinted into the room, panting. "Got it! I got you some carrots, some milk, and some cookies from Stress, since I know they're your favorite!" Grian beamed as he showed off the lunch he made.

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