chapter 10

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My goodness what was all this
Who gave birds such high pitched voices
And who the fuck opened the damn curtains in my fucking room.

This hangover would be the death of me and where did alcohol come from since I finished the one I had in my fucking house.

"Rise and shine" said a male voice that made goosebumps appear and butterfly in my stomach.

"Gooddamn Lucas can you be any louder!" I said covering my face and started wondering what time it was.

"Its twelve" he said sitting in the bed and the aroma of food flooded my nose but without my heart beating ten times faster.

Oh shit

"Shit shit shit shit " I said trying to wake up and well thats when my head started pounding even more.

I looked around and remembered that I wasnt even in my own bed let out my own neighborhood.

I was dead.

I missed a church day with lunch and if I didnt hurry up I would be late for lunch and I wouldn't hear the end of it from my mother who would be joining us even though she went on a cruise.

Yes it was a one night thing.

"I can't eat right now!
I'm late
Damn it I'm late and I'm dead!!!" I said as I swallowed the painkiller and gulped down the glass of water.

"Why are you in a hurry?" He asked as he looked at my struggling to cope with this headache and trying to actually move my lazy ass.

"Why dont you understand I have lunch with my family and if I dont go well let's say that the next time you would be seeing me would be in a coffin" I said the threw the bed sheets out of me.

I did not care that I was in my underwear and bra.
Who told this asshole to leave me in my fucking bra.

We dont want cancer anywhere near us let alone my boobs.

"Do you have a blow drier?" I asked looking at him.
I didnt expect him to have it but asking would not have coated a thing apart from my oxygen.

"Yes" he said looking at me.

"What!?" I asked looking at this man

He rose a brow as if he was in disbelief and well I was also.
Why would he keep a blowdrier anyways.

"I mean its not mine its my sister's she always leaves it here" he said shrugging his shoulders and left to go get it.

Immediately he stepped out my phone rang and I didnt even dare to check the ID because I knew who was calling.

"Yes maa I will b there in ten minutes." I said opening the door to the bathroom.

"You better be young woman and why didnt I see you in church?" She asked in her usual tone.

"I woke up really late and missed my alarm.
Yesterday I slept late" I answered hoping it would be a good enough answer.

"Just hurry up and dont...

" baby I found this " Lucas came inside the bathroom without knocking as he held the blowdrier out like a trophy.

Fuck me

I mentioned him to keep quiet but to make it worse he thought maybe I was talking to Marcus so he came and started to loudly kiss my fucking neck.

I knew there that I was dead when I looked back to the phone and saw that my mother had not cut the call.

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