Chapter 4: Please Don't

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Landon was gazing at Hope sleeping.
You're staring, it's creepy, Hope said.
It's not creepy, it's cute, Landon said.
And besides I can't check up on my girlfriend, if you are my girlfriend, Landon said while pouting like a lost dog. Hope rolled her eyes and kissed him. "Does that answer your question lover boy, Hope said annoyed. "Not really, I want to hear you say it" Landon said proud of himself. "Yes, yes I am your girlfriend" stated Hope now delighted and smiling with joy.

Just then Lizzie practically bust through Hope's door yelling " Wake up Lovebirds my dad's got a mission for us". By then Lizzie had just  realized that she had walked in on Hope and Landon kissing. It was too late for Hope, Landon, and Lizzie to notice when Josie, Penople, Kaleb, M.G., Jed, and Rafael were already at Hope's door wondering what was going on. Lizzie slowly backed out of Hope's room and ran back to her room. Hope slapped her hand on her head  embarrassed. Landon quietly said hi to everyone. Hope shot up her head and did a spell to close the door and lock it. Are you ok? Landon asked.
I'm fine I just don't want to leave the room now, Hope said. Oh come on it can't be that bad, Landon said. Yes, yes it can, Hope sad blushing at her boyfriend. Hope dragged herself out of bed and got ready. It was different for Landon, Hope had to kiss him to get him out of bed.

In the cafeteria Hope and Landon walked hand in hand knowing everyone already knew their secrect so there was no point in hiding it anymore. Embarrassed enough already Hope sat down with her binder covering her face. Landon kissed her on the cheek and whispered in a soft voice "calm down". Hope took the binder down and had all eyes on her. Landon was the first to speak with eyes on Lizzie asking her what the mission was about although Landon was already upset about what happened earlier he tried to say it in the nicest way possible. Lizzie responded saying that they had to investigate Mystic Falls High School to see what the students knew about supernatural creatures. They all had roles to play in this mission. Lizzie was the mean girl. Landon and Hope were the couple that always made out and never left each other's side. Kaleb was the loner. Rafael was the bad boy. M.G and Josie were the two best friends that were always happy no matter what. Penelope refused to go so she stayed with Alaric.

As the kids were boarding the Salvatore School Van they all went over the plan one last time before leaving. Once they got to the high school they were greeted by the principal, they had all been assigned to the  same classes. In history class Hope and Landon were flirting in class and shared a quick kiss and looking at Lizzie who was gagging in disgust. Josie had noticed how one of the students was staring at Hope with a deadly glare. Luckily before Dana, the student,could do anything the bell had rung meaning that it was lunchtime.

Hope,Lizzie,Landon,Josie,Rafael,Kaleb, and M.G had met up in the cafeteria going to the table that was reserved for them and them only. The student that was giving Hope a death glare threw a pencil at Hope's shoulder, knowing that Hope could heal herself.
Everyone saw Dana run off smirking at them all. No one else in the cafe noticed so Hope quickly ran to the bathroom cleaning herself off and quickly pulled out the pencil that was jammed in her shoulder. On her way out she ran into Dana but all Dana did was look at Hope and run off. Hope also ran into Landon. Are you okay asked Landon, worried about his girlfriend. Hope responded with a quick kiss and hugging him showing that she was perfectly fine.

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