Chapter 37: Possessed pt.2

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Alex's POV

"Uncle Kol what do you mean you know this is? What are you talking about" I asked Uncle Kol who was running around the house looking for something. "What are you looking for?"

"A blue binder with a raven on the side" Kol said.

"Like this one" I say pulling it out of a random shelf.

He grabs the binder out of my hand and starts flipping through the pages until he finds the pages he needs.

"Are you going to tell me what you know now Uncle Kol or are you gonna keep me in dark?" I ask Uncle Kol who is currently making me upset.

"You're brother he's possessed by The Hollow" Kol said with a worried look on his face.

"The same hollow that possessed mom when she was 15?" I ask.

"Yes but this time it's stronger much stronger" he says.

"But you guys can still defeat it right like you did last time like put it into an evil vampire or something right?" I ask worried.

"I'm afraid it's not going to be that easy kid but we'll figure something out" Kol says.

"We?" I ask wondering who he is talking about.

"Me and the Mikaelson family of course" he says. "But in the meantime we need to figure out how to wake Emerald up".

"How are we going to do that? All we know is that she got knocked out by the hollow and we have no way to wake her up" I say.

"If you want to wake her up, you're going to have to use dark magic" Kol says.

"I can't do dark magic" I yell.

"If you want to wake up her up you don't have a choice" Kol says.

"Alright whatever just give me the stupid spell book" I say grabbing the spell book from Kol's hands.

I chant a super complicated spell using up half of my energy hoping Emerald will wake up.

But she doesn't wake up she doesn't even move.

"It didn't work kid try again" Kol says pushing me to try again.

"I can't I don't have much energy left" I tell him.

"WELL FIND SOME" Kol yells.

"I told you I don't have any energy left" I say holding Kol up to the wall and growling.

I don't let him go, I just keep him against the wall growling at him until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Emerald's POV

I wake up with a headache.

I'm not in my room but I'm somewhere else and I can tell it's not a nice place.

Everything is pitch dark until I see tiny drops of blood leading to something.

I follow the tiny droplets of blood to find myself chained to a wall struggling to breath and even struggling to speak.

"Hello little one"

I turn around to see someone I don't know.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask screaming.

"I'm the one that is currently holding your brother captive"

"I swear if you don't let Alex go-" I try to say but end up getting cut off.

"Watch your tone with me little one and it's not Alex I'm holding captive, it's your other brother Aiden, you know the one who attacked you out of the blue today for no reason at all"

"It was you who made him do that wasn't it" I ask.

"It wasn't entirely me, your brother had some anger built up in him because of you and I just helped him act on it"

"What do you want with me?" I ask furious.

"It's not so much I want from you, it's what I want with your brother but you are also a part of the plan"

"What plan are you talking about?" I ask.

"The plan where I stab you in here and the you out in the real world also gets stabbed and ends up dying"

"You're a sick psycho is you think I'm going to let you kill me" I scream.

"It's not so much as you letting me do it but me doing it anyway"

Those words were the last words I heard before being stabbed in the stomach with a very sharp object.

Aiden's POV

"Hey Alex when you're done fighting with Uncle Kol or whatever there's something going on with Emerald" I say.

Alex lets Kol go and follows me to the room where he sees Emerald laying on the floor bleeding.

"So you were just gonna let her lay there dying and then casually walk up to us and say this" Alex asks upset.

"I didn't want to mess up her beauty rest, even though the beauty rest isn't really working" I say laughing.

"Look, Aiden you're seriously messed up in the head right now, but you need to work on what you say because I am so close to punching you right now" Alex says while he eyes start to yellow.

This is exactly what we wanted, the plan is working or at least we thought is was.

Emerald's POV

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I pulled the dagger out and looked at the person who thought I was dead.

"You're a tough one aren't you"

"I'm the daughter of Hope Mikaelson, what do you think, that I'm just gonna let you kill me and that's it for me" I say furious.

"Well yeah that's exactly how I think this would've went down" "But it doesn't matter anyway now that we have Alex under our control, and soon you'll be under our control too"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask super confused.

"It'll all make sense in time little one"

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys, I know the chapters have been a little dark lately but it'll all make sense soon and im not going to be ending the book at 38 chapters anymore I've exteneded it up to about 43 or 45 chapters for the sake of this. The chapters have been so long lately that I've decided to spilt them up into parts. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter.

See you next time.

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