Chapter 22: I can't believe this

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Landon's POV

It was 2:00 in the morning when my soon to be father in law decided to make me try on tuxedos. I was still half asleep, Klaus had about 200 tuxedos for me to try on. "Why so many" I asked. "Because everything has to be perfect for my littlest wolfs wedding including you" he responded. "It's two in the morning, Hope's probably wondering where I am and we all know what happens if she doesn't get her way, so I suggest we make this a quick as possible" I said yawning. "As long as you cooperate, you'll be back to Hope in no time" He said giving me a tuxedo to try on. "Fine" I said still upset about him waking me up at 2 in the morning.

Hope's POV

I woke up alone in my bed. I wondered where he was at 2:00 in the morning. And then that's when it hit me, my dad had dragged Landon out of bed to make him try on tuxedos for the wedding. I was surprisingly angry even though I was still sleepy. I dragged myself out of bed and put some clothes on. I marched my way into my fathers room hoping to find him and Landon there. I was surprised when they were there I thought they would have gone to Uncle Kol' s. "We're going back to bed" I said dragging Landon out of my father's room before my father could even mutter a word. When we got back to my room all I heard from Landon was, "Was that really necessary". "Yes, Yes it was" I said now dragging him into the bed. "Goodnight " I said closing my eyes.

Hope's POV 

When I had woken up for the second time she found herself over the toilet throwing up. "Hey are you okay" asked Landon. "Yeah just hand me my bag" I said. When Landon handed me my bag I rummaged through the bag until I found what I needed. "If you need me I'll be back in bed" Landon said yawning. I walked out of the bathroom with my mouth hanging in shock. "Are you okay" Landon asked me. "I'm, I'm pregnant" I said still in shock. "I can't believe this" "I'm going to be a father" "Wait I am the father right" Landon asked. I nodded yes and he went around the compound screaming he's going to be a father I'm pretty sure he woke up the whole compound. All I needed now was a way to explain this to my dad.

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