Chapter 38: Possessed pt.3

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Emerald's POV
I lay there thinking 'what the hell is wrong with this person' but I was soon interrupted.

"Wake up little one it's time for you to help me"

"Look, I may be held hostage here but that doesn't mean I'm going to help you" I said refusing to do what they told me. Even though I was scared, I was still able to defend myself.

"Oh darling, I don't care about you being held hostage here, you're going too help me unless you want to die"

"You can't kill me, I'm a phoenix incase you forgot" I said knowing they had something planned. If I'm going to be honest here, I'm scared for my life and I don't know what's going to happen to me so I might as well act brave as long as I can.

"Little one, you obviously don't know what kind of power I have over you, and it obviously seems that you think you can resist me so I'll make you a deal, if you help me I'll let your brother Alex live.

This sounded interesting but what about Aiden, I mean sure he's the one who put me in here but that doesn't mean I don't care about him.

"What about Aiden?" I ask standing my ground. My parents always made sure I knew how to protect myself. They even made me take karate classes when I was 11 so I'm pretty sure I've got this deal in the bag.

"He'll be spared too but you must help me first, do you understand?"

"Fine, but can I get clean clothes because I refuse to go anywhere with you looking like this" I say speaking with disgust.

"There's an outfit on the bed over there but don't take long because we have to get ready very soon".

I have no idea where we're going but it must be someplace fancy because this outfit looked just like something I would wear at a gala.

2 Hours and 30 minutes Later

The place we had arrived to was huge. It was a white mansion with about (and i'm assuming) 6 floors at the max but that's not what caught my attention. What really caught my attention was this boy. He looked about 15, he had black hair, blue eyes, and he didn't look dangerous at all but if he was related to the person that took me here well then the chances of me and him happening are 0.

"I see you staring at my nephew, go ahead and go talk to him, who knows you guys might hit it off"

And just like that my thoughts were interrupted.

"You're letting me go out on my own, what if I try to escape" I asked suspicious of her just letting me roam free.

"If you know what's good for you, you won't even try, now go little one"

They shooed me off towards the guy I was staring. There were so many people around that I was getting pushed every witch way until I bumped into him.

Our eyes met and I felt this spark like we were meant to meet.

"Hey there little lady, I'm Ryder" he said. Ryder sounded genuine like he couldn't harm anyone or anything.

Hi, I'm Emerald" I said blushing.

"Emerald, I like that name and better yet it fits you perfectly.

I blushed. It was obvious he was trying to flirt but he wasn't very good at it.

"I know we just met but maybe we could go someplace a bit private, I want to get to know you better" Ryder said holding out his hand hoping I would take it and I did.

After a a few minutes of walking we finally find a bedroom upstairs where we could talk. I know what you're thinking and that's not going to happen.

Ryder asked me a few questions about myself. He seemed polite and he seemed really interested in me and that's kinda suspicious but I played it off like it was nothing.

"I know this is a weird question, but can I kiss you" Ryder asked.

That caught me off guard, I was so far off into lala land that I wasn't really paying attention him or what he was saying but I actually wanted to.

"Sure" I said.

As he leaned in he looked into my eyes and I felt that spark again. His lips met mine and I surge rush through me and I know he felt it too because he picked me up and carried me until my body met the bed.

I know I said this wasn't going to happen and it didn't we just kissed like a lot but that's it.

He looked into my eyes to make sure I was ok. I quickly nodded and soon after he took his shirt off an d started to kiss my neck. I growled but it wasn't on purpose. Sometime being a werewolf has it's downsides and this is one of them growling when I don't need to. Thank god Ryder didn't look bsck up at me because if he did, that would've been a very awkward encounter that would've stopped whatever we were doing immediately. Ryder was really going at it and at this point he was sucking on my neck hard like super hard. At this point I couldn't take it anymore and I let a tiny soft moan that could barely be heard and I may have scratched his back with my claws leaving three long lines of blood down his back but that didn't seem to stop him until there was a knock on the door and that really scared us because we rolled of the bed so fast and tried to get our clothes back on as quick as possible.

Ryder opened the door to be met with the person I came here with and the person didn't even look upset it was like the person was happy.

"You two are needed downstairs"

As I walked out the door behind the person literally high fived me and gave me a thumbs up.

As I walked downstairs and I saw numerous people clapping at me and I already knew what had happened.

It was all part of the plan, Ryder pretended to be interested in me so that he could find out everything about my family, I'm lucky things didn't go too far because if they did, I would've regretted it so much.

Damn it, how could I let myself fall for that, all because of a stupid boy.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry guys for the long wait but I have exciting news and bad news.

Bad news: This is the last chapter.

Good news: Im making the new story.

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