Chapter 20: Golden

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Landon' s POV

I was finally out of the nurse's office. Two horrendous days of ringing in my head but it finally stopped. I was on my way to see Hope, I heard what happened between her and Rafael and I had to make sure she was okay. When I made my way my way to Hope's room I heard crying. I turned the doorknob and walked in. I saw Hope wrapped up in a ball crying into her knees. I shut the door as quietly as I could so she wouldn't hear me. I walked over to her and sat on the bed. I took her head and put in on my h
shoulder knowing she needed a shoulder to cry on. No words were said, she cried and cried until she couldn't cry any more. "Thanks for being here for me" Hope said looking up at me finally done wetting my shirt. "Anytime" I replied. "When was  the last time you left your room" I asked worried. "Not since two days, why?" she asked. "Great" I said as I pulled her off of the bed. "Where are we going" she asked me. "It's a surprise" I said smiling really wide.

Hope's POV

When Landon was finally finished dragging me to wherever we were going he took his hands off of my eyes. It turns out he had prepared a little picnic by the dock. It had all of my favorite foods: grapes,watermelon,strawberries, and Mac and cheese. He even made me a plate with all the foods shaped like a heart. I mean the guy even had flowers in a vase like we were at a restaurant. I was eating when Landon told me to stand up. "Why"I asked. "Just do it" he said in a demanding voice. Landon then got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me" he asked. "I'm only 17" I said shocked. "And" "You're birthday is tomorrow right" he said still standing on one knee. "Yes and Yes" I said smiling brightly. He stood up, grabbed my waist, and kissed me.
"You're Golden" Landon said to me as I pulled back from the kiss. All I could do was smile. "When's the wedding" I asked. "Next Week" he said. "Why so early" I asked even more curious. "I guess I just can't wait to call you my wife" he said pulling me into another kiss.

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