Chapter 36: Possessed pt.1

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This chapter is going to be a wild and crazy and a dark chapter so I suggest you guys get some popcorn, candy, and a drink because it's about to be a lot of chaos so buckle in.

Also the kids are now 14 years old, sorry for the time jump but since im going to be ending this story at 38 parts to start a new story about the triplets I need to start somewhere right? Anyways let's get to the story.

One more thing I will add some information to the story from The Originials but nobody will die.

Now let's get to the story.


Emerald's POV

"Stop throwing stuff at me Aiden before I turn you into a lizard" I yelled.

"I'm so scared" Aiden said laughing.

I quickly chanted a spell hoping it would work and when I opened my eyes Aiden was no longer there but my brand new lizard brother was.

"Hey sis, where's Aiden?" I hear from the door.

I turn around scared but was relieved when it was only Alex.

FYI: Alex is my favorite brother.

"Right there" I say as I point to the ground where a small green lizard stood in place looking like it was glaring at me.

"You know sis, you've gotta stop doing this stuff before mom and dad find out" he says.

"I know but you've to admit that without Aiden around life is much more relaxing and calming" I say.

"I'll give you that one" Alex says bending down on the floor to pet Alex.

"Ouch" he yells.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Aiden just set himself on fire" he says while trying to cast a spell so that his hand doesn't burn.

I quickly turn Aiden back before he can do anymore damage.

"Emerald, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that to me" Aiden yells.

"Calm down Aiden it was just a joke you shouldn't even be taking it this seriously" I say trying to calm him down.

He doesn't say anything he just stares at me like he's going to kill me or something.

"Aiden can you hear me" I yell trying to shake him awake.

All of a sudden I felt like my body was on fire and then everything went black.

Alex's POV

All I could was stand there as Emerald's body laid there lifeless on the ground. I watched as Aiden stood over her smiling like he was the king of the world.

I couldn't take it anymore , I walked up to Aiden turned him around and punched him in the face.

Once I punched him there was no stopping, I punched him until there was blood and even when there was blood I didn't stop I just kept going. Eventually Uncle Kol had to pull me off of Aiden.

"Calm down, Alex everything's going to be fine" Uncle Kol said.

"What do you mean everything's going to be fine, Emerald's not moving or responding and I can't do anything about it and it's all his fault" I yell.

"I mean Emerald's a phoenix so she should come back to life right, right Uncle Kol" I yell shaking Emerald hoping she'll wake up.

"Kid that's not going to work and first we should really be waking your brother so he can tell us what happened" Uncle Kol says.

"Look you can wake him up and listen to his story but I'm not, I was there and he clearly did something to Emerald" I say getting up.

"I'm not saying you have to believe him but you can at least listen" Kol says.

I wake Aiden up with a simple spell my mom taught me and listen to his story.

"Bullcrap" I yell.

"I'm telling you that's what happened" Aiden says.

"Whatever, since you did this to her how do we wake her up?".

"I don't know, aren't you're a witch, can't you say a spell and wake her up" Aiden says.

"Maybe if I knew what you did to her, I could wake her up" I yell.

"I told you, it wasn't me, it was like something was something was possessing me to do it" Aiden says.

"Did you say something was possessing you do that" Uncle Kol asks.

"Yeah something like that" Aiden says.

"Then I know exactly what this is" Uncle Kol says with a worried look on his face"

To Be Continued

Just Her जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें