Chapter 14: It's My Turn Now

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Marcel made his way to the couch saying how much he wished his old home. Just then Freya and Rebekah had arrived. Aunty Bex, Aunty Freya running to give them huge hugs. Who's this Rebekah and Freya said in sync. I'm Landon, Landon said instead of Hope doing it for him. Nice to meet you Freya said. I hope you're doing right by my niece Rebekah said ready to pounce at Landon. "I am and I always will" Landon said smiling at Hope.

Rebekah had taken Hope and Landon to her room to talk to them alone. So how's it going between you two Rebekah asked Hope and Landon. It's going great, Landon even gave me a surprise yesterday Hope said smirking at Landon. What was the surprise Rebekah said asking Hope knowing what the surprise was. Landon gave me a really beautiful necklace that had my name engraved on it Hope said trying to lie right through her teeth. Oh really, because I think that surprise was a whole bunch of hickeys Rebekah said ripping Hope's scarf off her neck. How'd you find Hope and Landon asked shocked. Your father heard you guys last night. I soundproofed the room Hope said still shocked but now hiding her head in Landons neck. "Hope your farther is an original hybrid he can hear through anything" Rebekah said laughing. "I told you we shouldn't have done it" Landon said.
I told you that Landon,YOU just kept kissing me Hope said gently hitting Landon on the arm. Well here's a potion that will actually soundproof the room and stop soundwaves from going into your dad's ears. Thanks Aunty Bed but why are you giving this to me aren't you supposed to yell at me or something Hope said nervously. In way cooler than your dad and besides me and Marcel use it all the time when we come over Rebekah said. Ew Gross I think we get the point Aunty Bex Hope said gagging. Alright well goodbye kiddo Marcel and Rebekah said making their way to their car.

It was about 11:00 at night when Hope made her way towards Landon. Hope kissed him roughly and then pushed him into the bed putting herself on top. Before Landon could say anything Hope sprayed the potion around the room and then ripped Landon' s shirt off with her bare hands. Why am I not on top Landon asked Hope disappointed. You were in charge yesterday it's my turn now Hope said smirking. Landon immediately made his way down to the edge of Hope's shirt and took it off without separating their lips. Hope used her magic to quickly unbuckle Landon' s pants. Landon started kissing Hope's necks softly trying not to give her anymore hickeys there were enough on her from the night before. Hope let out a moan a and a soft growl not because it would please Landon but because Landon was pleasing her. Hope wrapped her legs around Landon's waist but before Hope knew Landon had Hope pinned against the wall. Hope was moaning every step of the way as Landon made his way to Hope's pants finally ripping them off.
Landon made his way back to Hope to look her in the eyes just to kiss her as passionate as he could before ripping her underwear off with his bare hands. Finally Landon led them back to the bed carrying and kissing Hope all over her neck giving her a few more hickeys. Hope didn't even care at this point she was to busy letting out small moans from Landon kissing her all over her body. Landon finally dropped Hope on the bed looking at her from head to toe amazed at how beautiful she was. He made his way on top of Hope and finally pleased her for the last time of the night. After being pleased by Landon Hope finally shut her eyes and fell asleep in Landon' s arms.

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