chapter 3| How to love you

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Happy Saturday.

The next morning had been a very long and bizarre one, considering the fact I woke up to the door being closed shut

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The next morning had been a very long and bizarre one, considering the fact I woke up to the door being closed shut. And my body tucked underneath the sheets, when I knew for a fact I had fell asleep on top of the duvet, I only remember laying for a long time, until my eyes got heavy. But thats about it.

And I knew that I had locked the door, which is why I knew for a fact Zayn couldnt have gotten inside. But everything was always strange whenever the both of us got around each other, so, I didnt even question it. Until I pulled the sheets back and saw my bare legs, which he undressed me.

Even if he was trying to be nice and do the right thing, I didnt appreciate him coming in here and removing anything off of me. He didnt have any damn rights to touch me, and I was going to set the record straight. Just because Zayn thinks he can keep me locked away here, does not mean any damn thing at all. Keep away from me, out of my space. And Ill be sure to do the same.

When I got out of the bed I stammered towards the door, until my eyes landed on the ridiculous amount of luggage placed among the corner of my new assigned room. Okay, he was definitely in here. And it wasnt just my imagination getting the best of me, which meant I needed to go and talk to him about being so damn intrusive, I dont care what he does. Just leave me alone.

But at least he got all of my things, which Im glad about that. Although Im wondering exactly what time did he leave, and get back since it was five a.m. on the dot, and we got in pretty late yesterday. Does that mean he didnt get any sleep? Why? A deep scowl ran across my face, all while kicking myself inwardly about my damn thoughts. How far they went about this type of stuff.

That wasnt my problem, who cares if he didnt sleep? I did and thats all that matters.

After doing all of my morning rituals that consisted of showering, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed. I walked down the stairs leading to the main part of the gigantic room, listening for any signs of someone rummaging around the place. Until I realized Zayn barely makes any noise when he isnt thinking of doing it, so, automatically its going to be quiet regardless if he is here.

I walked past the coffee table before seeing the makeshift bed, just a single sheet that he probably got from a linen closet or requested from reception. Which meant the arm of the couch was being used as a pillow, that couldnt have been comfortable at all. And that is probably the reason why he didnt go to sleep last night, if that was the case from the evidence. I sighed.

Even when Zayn wasnt here, he had a way of making me feel bad. I didnt mean to put him out of the room, but I just needed a little bit of space to think about my problems. But that was very selfish of me, since he was probably filled with his own and needed a good nights sleep to do it.

One thing I didn't want to be was a spoiled brat, or give him any more problems. That was not fair to him and constantly reminding him that he messed up bad wasn't doing anything, which is why I just need to soak up my pride. And be mature about this, even though I shouldn't have to, but it's better than remaining ignorant about it just to attempt to hurt him for his past mistakes. I needed to let go.

VITIATE (Book Three) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now