Chapter 31 | A boss

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My throat was dry as I attempted to fix the dehydration with water, not being able to keep from heaving again

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My throat was dry as I attempted to fix the dehydration with water, not being able to keep from heaving again. Right after falling sick, Michael ushered me inside of the cabin, before grabbing me a water bottle from the fridge. The sickness rolling over me again, Carly, just stared at me from the small corner of their living area.

Watching me from a distance as if she was scared to come near or say anything, I turn away from her glances looking back at Michael. He sighs before giving me a knowing look, one that read 'I said you'd want to come with me.' as if this is something tiny, but my sister? This wasn't just something about business, it also had to do with me and if he didn't think Zayn could handle it. Why did he expect me to just take this?

This wasn't anything ordinary for us at all, it was completely outrageous and disgusting. I had a hard time believing this was real, especially for me. Four years now I've spent half of my time sitting and mourning over my sister. Wishing that she was still alive, wanting her to be a part of my life again. I've almost risked my relationship with Zayn over this a few months ago, that just means she was hiding away living her perfect little life. Meanwhile I was here barely making it.

"How long?" The sound of my voice was deeper and raspy, due to the acid burning it from losing my dinner all over a tree outside. Keeping my eyes low as I finally had the courage to actually talk.

No one said anything inside of the room as she moved slightly, obviously nervous from me being here. Which is insane to me because at one point I was the one who feared her because I wanted so badly to impress her, at one point I wanted nothing more than to make my older sister proud of me. But due to my mom picking favorites back then, I believed she made my life hell.

And that's what ruined our relationship. I've spent years feeling bad that we fought over issues that didn't matter, regretting being with Bianca and not appreciating my sister a lot more than I should've but here she is, watching me as if she is waiting for something else to really happen.

"What do you mean?" Michael questioned finally after a while once it was clear that she was not gonna speak to me, which is fine because I didn't want to face that right now. I'm just not ready.

Right now I had only wanted answers to many of my much needed questions, but right now I only cared for a couple of things. And I needed them to be clarified.

"How long have you been hiding...her." My head nudges in her direction, barely making it my decision to acknowledge Carly. Because I'm not actually ready to face her, this isn't it about that.. It's about how long she has been around while everyone struggled and mourned for her.

Michael looked conflicted as if he didn't know what to say about this, but one look into her direction with a very short and brief nod already gave me the answer I had needed. They've been around each other for so damn long, he's seeking approval from her to answer.

It's clear this wasn't just a random spur of the moment thing, and he came about her at all. They definitely had some kind of arrangement, which only made me feel a lot more worse. But I felt incredibly stupid, because all this time she was right under my nose, and I thought I was going stupid. Yet, my hurt for Zayn made me think otherwise, and come to find out that he was innocent.

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