Chapter 8| Sleepless Nights

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Happy Saturday, my loves! I hope you enjoy.

There was nothing better in this world than experiencing the country side of places, being able to sit down in comfort and listen around for nature that might be greeting you

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There was nothing better in this world than experiencing the country side of places, being able to sit down in comfort and listen around for nature that might be greeting you.

All the luxuries of the city being left behind, while falling in line to the comfort of what the mountains and wilderness might bring to you.

It's an indescribable thing to experience in life, and whenever the time comes for me to adapt to the lifestyle, I don't think I would hesitate to succumb to the feeling. It'll happen naturally that I wouldn't need to convince myself of why I didn't need it, moving away would feel right.

Part of me couldn't wait to have my family live in the country with nothing but wilderness all around us, at one point I thought about staying as a city girl. But overtime a lot of stuff began changing for me; I've personally changed and what I thought I wanted in the past is not the stuff meant for me now, same goes for my son.

And soon he'll be here and I'll give him a life that is actually meant for the both of us. The only thing uncertain was Zayn's presence and if he'll really be around, like he had promised me.

But now I just feel like that's a promise he wont be able to keep, which is why I'm kinda looking forward to being on this trip. Soon everything was gonna end up in his favor, I will be able to move on with my life, the right way it's meant to happen. I need to bask in the glory of being with Zayn for the next couple of months, before the both of us will finally say bye to the other.

Which is why I just decided to let him attempt to work out his personal issues, also fix all of our issues. The hidden ones that we still have.

I wiped my eye that leaked a sudden tear, just before swallowing a lump invading my throat; And it could've very well been a sob, but I didnt want to cry, not anymore. I just wanted to love him unconditionally one last time, until we had finally part. It's gonna happen, and no matter what Zayn might say I know the truth inside.

But instead of dwelling on them, I'm here on a getaway from our harsh reality to get to know each other, the best way I can. And love him.

"Ryder, we're here."

My eyes had quickly snapped up to look out the window, seeing that we had actually stopped outside of a house. It was a beautiful country house on the side with a lot of land work, there were beautiful flowers planted everywhere, in the back was a perfect view of a crystal beach..

I'll say it's only a couple of minutes away, most likely fifteen if you're walking on foot. I really couldn't wait to place my feet along the white sand, as it squished underneath and feel the air while the waves came splashing around. That's probably gonna be a part I adore the very most.

I nodded while unbuckling my seatbelt before picking my bag, softly hopping out of the truck and watching as a people emerged from inside of the house. Most of them let out a humorous laugh of praise, while an older woman hugged Mona, as she expressed her happiness seeing the young girl, holding on my friend, tightly.

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