Chapter 9 | The old us...

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I quickly ran my hands through water, before opening the door and rushing down the hall after Zayn

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I quickly ran my hands through water, before opening the door and rushing down the hall after Zayn. The hall was dark as he looked for the source who screamed, before taking notice of me then sighing in as he walked up to me.

My hands slowly wrapped back around him, as Zayn pulled me into his chest. "........ I thought you were screaming," He whispered in my hair grabbing onto my waist, then closing his eyes.

He completely broke my heart when he got like this. I almost forget what happened between us when he kept me in his arms, using a soft but very necessary worried voice. Hearing screams after Floyd abducted me and then losing Zahir broke me.

Nightmares had been inevitable. But thank God I didn't have them as much, even if it might still be hard to sleep at night. But loud screams? They gave me horrible flashbacks as I wanted to forget, it left a big print on Zayn too.


"Zayn." I whispered and grabbing ahold of his face, pulling him down to look me right in the eyes. "Someone really did scream, but not me."

His eyes searched mine, slowly dropping both hands from around my waist, I had crossed my arms while backing up. My heart was beating erratically against my chest, that it had felt like everyone inside of this damn house can hear it.

There was words left unsaid between us when I parted myself from him. "Well, who screamed, then?" I had asked softly. "I mean what is going on?" Trying to keep my voice low as possible, I was failing miserably at it because I'm worried.

A cold deep set of fear ran through me as I had pulled back, looking him in the eyes as Mona's family started to pile out to see what was going on; Which means someone did scream. And it just because the both of us couldn't see danger, doesn't mean that we weren't in one right now.

Zayn must've thought the same because he had looked around, scanning everything, gripping my hand to pull me closer. He was very serious.

When he finally looked away, that was a brief time for me to lose the power I kept for holding my poker face for a moment. For him. My heart felt like it was about to burst, while I began to question everything. What if they followed us? What if Mona's family wasn't safe anymore?

The questions were there, both of us just wasn't able to say them aloud. In fear that it was true.

A light creak on the stairs caused me to identify the noise, Jacinda's silhouette was at the mere bottom of the stairs coming up from the living room. She turned and must've seen the dark looks of confusion on the both of our faces.

With a fast shaking voice she spoke, "I wasn't the one who screamed. But everything is fine, just go back to your rooms. I'm sorry that you guys were woken up." She had instructed us.

VITIATE (Book Three) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now