Chapter 22 | close calls

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The doctor was definitely not impressed with my lack of sleep, and the progression of stress that he seems to think was placed on my shoulders

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The doctor was definitely not impressed with my lack of sleep, and the progression of stress that he seems to think was placed on my shoulders.

After successfully removing my stitches that have seemed to heal, cutting of the access sticking out of the mended flesh. He brought me into the big maternity ward, before requesting to change into a hospital gown and checking everything then scanning me for tests. But one thing came back incredibly high, and that was my blood pressure.

He stared at the charts with a deep set frown, one that wrinkled his forehead in a bunch of lines you could see from a mile away. Along with a sign that reads, 'I'm so damn disappointed in Ryder Brown' just for everyone to see it as well.

"You need to get more rest, and relax." He says after a while, before looking back up at me. The look on his face saying it all, that I was not just putting myself at risk. But also the damn baby.

I rolled my eyes before leaning back against the pillow, holding onto my stomach. "There's no one more relaxed than me, Dr.Bailey. But I do want a different opinion, get my doctor back." My voice stern, wanting to know something else than that.

Since I was very late on certain check ups, my own doctor had been excruciatingly busy. Which means I am now stuck with the doctor that did my stitches, who also seems to fight with my mother. He was also becoming an obstetrician.

And studying right underneath my doctor, who was the one Zayn requested for me to have at this time. Even though my mom was his proper attending, Dr. Grand was my official doctor who is going to deliver my son. And bring him into the world, he was also the first doctor to look at me once I came back right after escaping the facility.

"You might not like me being honest, but I have to give you the harsh truth." Dr. Bailey otherwise known as Todd says, not before shaking his head at me. "Your stress levels are way too high, this can send you into premature labor. And put a risk on your son. Also include difficulty while giving birth, and put a damper on your health. I'm a little worried." He says with no hesitation in his voice.

My eyes stayed focused on the ceiling above me, listening to his words as I took on everything a lot more than just a mere grain of salt. He began to inform me on all of the stuff that could happen, and how I need to take my health more seriously.

But what exactly could I do when things were at the peak of vanishing forever? I just have to last a couple more days, and everything will be done whether I want them to be gone or not.

Bianca and Floyd are not just gonna stop, because I had asked them for it. I just needed to hold on a few more weeks, give or take and things will be done.

And I can't inform anyone on this, because Zayn would never let me heat the end of it. This really just need to blow over, and I'll attempt to get a bit of sleep in the meantime. Then hope for the best.

VITIATE (Book Three) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now