chapter 32| Out of choices

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So, I decided to break it up. Because it would be too long, that way you guys can have more to look forward to in the midst of waiting for the finale. And it would be messy to have all of that stuff just in one whole chapter, and possibly way too long. So, here is officially .... part one of the vitiate finale. Enjoy.

"There's no chance of finding him, he could be anywhere by now

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"There's no chance of finding him, he could be anywhere by now."

I sighed deeply while gripping the edges of the table in agony, trying to keep myself from showcasing anger or blowing up out of proportion. Everything was going wrong, and I needed to hold on for a little bit longer.

But my patience was running completely thin, but I can't be angry unless I want to accidentally give birth to my child too damn early And cause a bunch of unnecessary stress onto my body even , that doesn't need to be there over my baby being a preemie.

Right now I could see why Zayn has a specific way of doing business and sometimes seems heartless, otherwise nothing will ever get done when being nice or understanding. It has a lot of advantages, this kind of thing wasn't for the weak, or kind hearted souls. If you didn't have the intentions of a boss, most things would not get done or be completely half assed.

You had to be strong around these people or show that you couldn't care less about their feelings, they wouldn't respect you to the point where they would do everything for you. You either had it in you or you didn't. Since Zayn had it in him and I had learned enough from him just by watching, I saw what being the boss meant.

And since I was practically born into the manner...

My parents were wrong for doing so many bad things, and hurting others but I had to admit they were both leaders, so I knew I had it in me if I just tried.

You had to be reckless and not care about people, but in this life I've focused so much on anything but that. I wanted to refrain from ever dealing with people as if they don't matter, always looking out for others like nurses and doctors would do because no else would do it.

But maybe things would've moved a different way in my life if I acted more like Zayn in the past, if only I was able to finally understand that it's okay to want to act accordingly to how others treat you then a lot of things would be different now.

When doing things in this business, you had to be ruthless and learn how to separate yourself from doing the right thing, unattach your heart and feelings. Because every weakness that you show, just means everyone could use it to their advantages.
And the only thing keeping me from being ruthless now is literally going into labor, and having my child fall onto the interior deluxe carpet right about now.

That was it.

I looked at Carly intensely. "How many times did you look, where did you look? It's not that hard to find a damn child! You can hide out for years and manage to keep anyone from finding you but it's hard to seek out a kid?" I say while trying to keep my voice down, looking at my sister who stood there in a wig.

VITIATE (Book Three) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now