Chapter 5 | We all have a job

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The next few days had been really silent in the penthouse, it was pretty much exhausting at this damn point

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The next few days had been really silent in the penthouse, it was pretty much exhausting at this damn point. We didn't bother speaking to each other, because we knew it would just lead to an argument, and I think we're really tired of not being able to understand our harsh actions.

So, instead of acknowledging each other, the both of us decided to just stay quiet. He didn't really talk to me in hopes that I would talk to him, and my pride wouldn't really let me say anything to him. Because I didn't know how and decided that it was for the best, we leave it.

Even though Zayn has actually tried speaking to me plenty of times in the past week, I made sure to stop any chances of that, because we didn't need it leading to an opportunity of him trying to have a conversation with me. Because I'll just get upset, then a match is lit. And then?

We're Arguing.

So, I had decided to stay upstairs majority of the time, all while he left the house during the day. Which meant I was by myself, for hours..

And I didn't have much options instead of sulking to myself, cause it wasn't like there was  fun stuff to do around here that didn't require to interact with anyone. He made sure of that by cutting me off from the outside world, and I am sick and tired of it. And it has only been a week of this, just me and very itchy stitches...

The only other person I was around had been Zayn and we aren't talking to each other, it's been days and he can barely stay in the house for more than a second. I didn't bother asking what he was doing, cause it's not my problem.

He's a grown man and can do what he wants, but it's also the fact I watch him enter the room to go shower, as he carries bags of ice to soak all of his muscles, or bandaging each knuckle, rather poorly with a vibrant red stained gauze.

The fights were getting ready to start back up and now that I know he's doing it for Brooks, I had wondered if it's because of some deal they still had with each other. Or maybe Zayn isn't done with a debt that he thinks he may owe Brooks, whatever it may have been, I know that he's preparing for it. But I would ask for it to stop, if that meant Zayn doesn't have to fight..

And maybe I was growing a anxious knowing that he's gonna be fighting again, because it means that he's gonna be walking back and forth injured again. When he slips up in a fight and the opponent is able to hit him, Zayn is the best fighter that I know but it doesn't mean that he's invincible to certain things.

It just worries me to know that he's probably out, wanting all of the anger and pain beaten out of him instead of working it out. Not just issues that's dealing with me, but all of them....


Zayn's voice brought me out of my disturbed thoughts, and I realized that I've been sitting inside of the kitchen for more an hour here..

My eyes glanced down at the bowl of mushed grains, which used to be cereal before I started thinking about our issues. A sigh left me before I tossed the cereal into the garbage, putting the ceramic bowl into the sink, and washing it out..

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