Chapter 17: BB Corn part 1

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"Kururu, don't get too close. Fire and ice don't mix well." Sarafina told her little kitty as she tossed in a large tree on the fire, which was freaking huge, that Toriko had built. Speaking of the giant hunter, as Sarafina turned to watched him use a hand to cut down one of the large trees nearby and easily picked up the same tree with one hand. The trees here had to weigh a ton but the two hunter had carried them with ease. Sarafina still couldn't believe she was here with him.

When Mansam told her that she was going to live with Toriko, she, along with everyone else, thought he was making a lame joke. But nope! He was very serious, which is somewhat surprising coming from him half the time. Apparently, someone had told the president of IGO about the GT robots attack but more specifically how in both incidents involved in Sarafina's capture. With the last one in near succession if Toriko hadn't shown up. 

Hence why the president had is having her live with the Glutton of the Heavenly Kings under his protection, if not then either under Coco's or Sunny's. Seeing that it was a direct order from the president of IGO, there was no way they were going to argue with it. Though, Rin and Leticia both were against the idea of it. However, what was really shocking of all was that Toriko agreed to it. What caught her attention was that ever since she was almost been taken away by Starjun, Toriko's been keeping a close eye on her. But she didn't mind it that much, she thought it was really sweet of him to worry about her, he's a good friend. 

"Do you suppose we've gotten enough wood?" Sarafina asked as Toriko threw the entire tree onto the fire where a bird the size of a small tank was cooking on a spit Toriko had made, which was two trees with another straight through the bird. "Should be enough." The giant man answered as he started at the bird, body slightly shaking in anticipation, and started to drool a bit. "That looks so- good~." It did indeed looked and smelled wonderful. Sarafina giggled at him. 'Such a funny, quirky man as always.'

Toriko checked the bird and brought it down with ease. "How is it?" Sarafina asked him. "Its done! Let's dig in!" Toriko said as he and Sarafina put their hands together and saying, "Itadakimasu" before Toriko cut off a piece and had a blissful look on his face before he chowed down. Sarafina reached over to get some, but she felt dizzy all of a sudden and drop her piece, and almost falling over. Damn. She almost forgotten how weak her body was right now. With the amount of time it had taken her to regain consciousness, and the 10% of power she used against Starjun, her body needed some time to get its normal strength back.

'At least I had only used 10%. My body should be fine by tomorrow morning.' She thought as Kururu went and chowed down on the meat she dropped. Waste not, want not.  Sarafina smiled and rubbed her kitten's back soothingly. "You feeling okay?" Toriko asked, taking a bite out of the meat he was holding. "Yes, I'm fine. A little weak that's all." She replied as she gave him a reassuring smile and grabbed another piece and started eating.

"Sarafina." The hunter said sternly, his tone making her look up at him only to look away again quickly, the concern in his soul was causing her to blush, she could only imagine the look he held. Quickly getting herself under control the girl turned and looked at him with a smile. "I'm fine, I promise. Trust me, it happens all the time whenever I use my powers. It's nothing to worry about." Toriko sighed a bit before he continued. "Look. I know you feel you need to be strong or something, but you don't always have to have your guard up. If something is bothering you...say so! If you wanna cry, then cry!"

Sarafina's eye widened. That was almost similar to what she had told her last night. Now it was her turn to sigh. "I'm trying... Believe it or not this isn't usually how I do things. Normally, I can be a real cry baby." Toriko laughed in disbelief. "THAT I find hard to believe!" But...maybe not. Shooting him a look the blind woman explained simply, "I only speak the truth. Back when I was a child, whenever something scary happens, I usually start to crying and hide away from it." The giant raised an eyebrow as she continued. "But... As I grew much older, I had gotten tired of crying. So I made the decision to get stronger and always give a smile no matter what happens... And stop giving me that look! It also helped that my grandfather and Leticia, even Kururu, helped me get stronger." 

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