On Your Marks. Get Set. GO!

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I took in a deep breath; crisp, fresh air filled my lungs and I let out a sigh of content. The warmth of the sun cloaked my back and I childishly kicked my legs to and fro from my perch on the gate of the village, staring of into the distance.

Now I wasn't slacking off. I was actually training, well, my eyes were anyway. I had been doing this since yesterday and already in that short span of time, my eyesight has drastically improved. Before, I could see about one hundred meters through the forest. But now, my sight can reach double that! It's hard to explain but to put it simply; somehow just by staring off into nothing, I am able to improve my sight.

I plan on exploring this method more with my other senses too.

"Oi, Natsuki!" I looked over my shoulder down at the ravenette calling my name.

"Hey, Sasuke!" I called and jumped off the fifteen foot gate and stood in front of him. "Wassup?"

"We've got a mission. Let's go." Sasuke said and we walked off to the meeting place.


We walked into the meeting room and Naruto and Sakura were already there. I guess they were waiting on me then. Oops.

"Hey, Naruto!" I sang and threw an arm around Naruto's shoulders.

"Morning, Natsuki!" Naruto said back and gave me a quick hug. A huge grin didn't even bother trying to hide itself on the blonde's face. Well, someone's happy.

"All right! A mission! A mission!" Naruto started to whisper excitedly. "I'm going to give it everything I have!"

Me and Sasuke both chuckled at our team mate. Well, Sasuke mostly scoffed which earn't him a glare from Naruto and I elbowed both boys in their sides. "We don't need you two chuckle-heads starting a fight so early." I said

Both boys rubbed their now bruised sides, groaning.

"I don't see Kakshi-sensei." Sakura voiced her presence.

"Is he going to be late, as usual?" I asked her. Naruto and Sasuke seemed to have recovered and was listening in on mine and Sakura's conversation.

Sakura shook her head, "I have no idea."

"No, Kakashi won't be coming." My ears twitched at the voice and we all faced the front and watched Tsunade enter the room, her assistant following behind carrying their pig.

"Oh, old lady Tsunade!" Naruto said.

"Don't call me an old lady." Tunade grumbled and took a seat.

"Um..." Sakura broke the small pause of silence. "Hokage-sama, what do you mean Kakashi-sensei isn't coming?"

I growled at how Sakura could so easily address the old bat as 'Hokage-sama'. Lucky nobody noticed it.

"As you probably already know, Kakashi and most of the Jounins are on a different mission." Tsunade explained. "We will have just the four of you complete this mission this time."

We all nodding understanding.

"This is a B-ranked mission. You four will guard an important figure." Tsunade said and threw the scroll with the mission to us. I caught it in one hand and begun to read over the description, Sasuke reading it over my shoulder.

"Guard... an important figure?" Sakura questioned.

"Of course, depending on the situation. it could also be classified as an A-ranked mission." Tsunade informed us. Wow, sending four genins out on an A-ranked mission without our sensei or a higher ranked supervisor to watch over us, heh, great job as Hokage so far lady. Real responsible.

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