It's Okay

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Sub wandered the vast land for weeks hoping he'd run into another town or kingdom of city.

As he walked he tripped over a bush landing i top of someone, who quickly stumbled to their feet once they noticed who landed on them.

He heard a horse next to him stating this man was a knight or a merchant.

"Stay away from my merchandise!" The man pleaded backing his horse.

Sub lifted himself up and took out his knife.

He pressed it against his skin feeling the burn of the blade breaking his flesh.

He carved a word to the best of his ability it was a lot hard because he couldn't feel the other lines he recently made.

His arm was covered in the bright red blood and when wiped away read.

"Village?" The man still looked in horror at Sub and his cut arm.

"Ah the nearest village is a few miles away. But a kingdom is just over the hill to your right." The merchant said trying to sound brave.

He nodded and continued to his right over the hill, he could spread hear the people in the kingdom scream once he reached the top of the hill.

Hw walked around the village for a little while when he heard someone say something in a hushed tone.

"I dare you to touch him mute." He looked blindly in the direction of the voice.

"He's gonna do it!?" Another shocked voice said.

Sub blindly began to walk over to the voices which quickly disappeared replaced by hurried footsteps in different directions.

Before he could turn around he felt hands grip his shoulders.

He put a hand out to feel who was there and how tall they were, he ended up feeling a male rather taller than him with hair over his eye.

He heard a peace of paper be unfolded and held I front of him.

Blindly examining the paper he felt bolded writing on it, he felt around trying to make out the letters and words.

He ended up finding,

"ILL DO IT!!" Written on the paper practically ripping it.

He brought out his knife which the boy stepped back for and dove it into his skin writing a response.

"Do what?" The sting of the blade was still fresh on his last message.

Before he could react arms rapped around him and pulled him close almost sneezing the life out of him.

He dropped his knife he worked hard to get and his blindfold almost came undone.

He quickly grabbed it and retied it tighter.

When the taller male let go he heard the paper again.

Once the crumbling stopped he handed it to Sub, Sub felt around for new words wondering what the message read.

"It's okay now."

He looked up blindly at the other boy and wish he could say something with out a knife, wished he could see what his savor looked like. Anything.

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